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The Biggest Licker

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You either have it or you don't.

And I have faith in Magnus Davion.

That's why I'm standing outside the Davion Development building in Midtown East this morning as I watch him, dressed in a smart charcoal black Tom Ford suit, walk to the podium and speak into the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he says and he scans the crowd. I don't know why I inadvertently shrink back.

I didn't tell him that I was going to be here today. In fact I haven't talked to him for the last three days.

I don't know why.

A part of me realized that maybe I should reach out to him. I wanted to.

But he seemed so busy fighting everyone back.

The world is after him. They're not after me.

I know what it is, actually. I think I felt that if I stayed away from him, then this whole thing would blow over.

Don't look at me like that.

It's not guilt that brought me here. I'd be here whether I wanted to or not. Knowing he was going to be putting himsel

f out there in the public for me - for us - there is no way I'd not be here.

And I think that goes for the entire borough of Manhattan too. It seems the steps to Davion Development are just packed with New Yorkers who have decided that they want to see what this press conference is going to bring.

There's a large contingent of reporters here at the press conference. By far the largest contingent is from the New York Daily Journal.

I can't tell from where I'm standing but it looks like Magnus gave them seats all the way at the front.

I mean, I guess that's one way to go about handling them. After the way they've been treating him and the things that they've been saying, if I were him I wouldn't have even allowed them here in the first place.

That's the thing. He thinks I don't know all the things that are being said about us. He thinks he's protecting me.

I figure, let him think that if it makes him feel better. At least he'll stay strong that way. And that's why I stayed away too, you know? That's why I didn't call him or text him even when I saw he wasn't texting me.

Because I figured that not seeing me would help him be stronger.

Even though just seeing him from a distance right now fills me with hope.

I wonder, did I make a mistake?

"I'll have a prepared statement and then I'll take your questions," Magnus says and looks at the audience. He's not using a TelePrompTer. Oh God. "The experience of the last ten days have been something that I wouldn't wish on my greatest enemy. But it's time that I set matters to rest."

Magnus looks out into the audience as if daring anyone to challenge him. All he gets back are some photographers who take some pictures of him.

"I want to clear the record here. I married Rhoda Wright several years ago. We were married for 263 days. That's less than a year. When I met her, she was a widow with a daughter from a prior marriage. Her name was Penny and she was eighteen years old," Magnus pauses and looks out into the audience again. My heart catches.

You think he's looking for me?

You think he knows that I'm here?

I wouldn't put it past him to be able to sense it.

"At the time, I was focused on trying to save the marriage I had to Rhoda but it became clear to us that we were incompatible and we parted in what I believed at the time were amicable circumstances," Magnus says and I roll my eyes. If the people of this city only knew what Mom had told me. How she used him for his connections.

But they won't be able to know, because I was an idiot and lost the only proof that I had. I let Mom play me.

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