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The Biggest Licker

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I want to grind my teeth together. It shouldn’t upset me as much as it does. I mean, I don’t even know her. We literally spent fifteen minutes talking to each other. But I’m not gonna lie. I was seriously excited about the idea of having coffee with her later.

And now I can’t.

From the minute she opened her mouth on the train, I was fascinated. Totally drawn in. Not just because she’s fucking sexy, those long, long legs so smooth and tempting. But because I can tell she’s way more than the flirty image she puts off.

I sigh and try to get this over with. When I’m done, breezing through the first day bullshit in record time, I ask, “Okay, anyone have any questions about anything?” I just want to get out of here.

And of course, her hand flies up. I meet her eyes. Teasing. Laughing. Taunting. I want to groan. She’s going to make this semester hell for me. I can just feel it.

“This end of semester project? The study of social mores. Are there any limitations to what we can explore?”

I’m torn between feeling dread at what she might say next and being totally turned on that she seems to get this stuff. This topic that I love so much. I can just tell she’s as into it as I am. That’s sexy as hell to me.

Shoving down the thought, I answer her warily. “That depends. What do you have in mind?”

“I was thinking I might explore the reasoning behind taboo relationships. How it evolved, why it’s still an issue today, why they matter.” She pauses, her eyes full of meaning as she stares right at me. “Or why they don’t. You know, discuss why it might be okay to push the boundaries a little.”


Her words are heavy with insinuation. Like she’s daring me to push those limits with her.

A smirk threatens to disrupt the aloof calm I’m barely maintaining. She’s something else. I reach up and scratch my temple with my index finger as I contemplate a safe way to answer her. Then I say the least safe thing I possibly could.

“I think that’s an excellent idea. I’d love to see where your thoughts fall on that topic.”

She smiles as if that’s exactly what she wanted me to say.

And I’m so fucked. Because I want to push the boundaries when it comes to her. Even though it’s the stupidest thing I could possibly do.

Then I must lose my sanity completely with the next words that fall from my lips, as if I have no control over my own brain. “In fact, why don’t you see me after class and we can discuss this further.”

Ana bites her lip, obviously fighting a smile as her eyes flash with satisfied amusement while she simply nods.

God, this is such a bad idea. So very bad. Even though I’m a grad student teaching an intro-level course, there are still standards and expectations. It’s not quite the same thing as a member of the faculty being involved with a student. But it might as well be. The line is very thin.

And my dumb ass is walking right up to it, seeing how far I can push it.

I dismiss the class, taking my time shoving everything back into my bag as all the students shuffle out. When I finally look up, she’s the only one left inside.

“So, Professor Mason,” Ava says, walking slowly toward my desk. “Or can I call you Oliver?”

I totally want her calling me Oliver. Preferably while she’s laid out before me, naked and writhing, screaming it as I make her cum.

And just like that, my dick is hard as a rock, straining against my pants, telling my brain that I need to grab her and sink into her.

I draw in a slow breath, hoping it will steady me. Fighting for control over my brain. Telling my dick I’m the one in charge here.

He doesn’t get the message.

Her eyes drop, and I know she can totally see how hard I am. When she flicks her gaze back up to mine, the desire in her eyes is obvious. She wants this as much as I do.

“So, about that project,” she begins. “I think I’m going to need some assistance. Some one-on-one attention. Do you think you can help me with that, professor?”

She’s dangerous. Bad. Pure temptation. But, god, how much do I want to sink my teeth into the sweet sin she’s offering up?

“Why don’t you come to my office and we can discuss this further?”

Her tongue darts out to lick her lips. “I think that sounds perfect.”

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