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Protein Shake

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“I want your mouth on my pussy,” I purr. I so fucking don’t. But the senator who I’m currently seducing has no clue.

With a growl, he yanks down my bra and clamps his mouth around my nipple. That’s my cue. I angle my body to make sure we’re nice and visible, then take his hand and make him cup my pussy, letting out a cry that sounds needy and desperate.

Yeah, I desperately need to get this guy off so I can get out.

And that’s all it takes. He convulses and cries out, and I smile in satisfaction. I just made this guy jizz in his pants. His hand on my pussy, his mouth on my tit—the perfect money shot.

They don’t pay me the big bucks for nothing.

I fake a little orgasm of my own so that he feels like he did his job. The last thing I want is for him to try to keep going and return the favor.

Then I climb off his lap and give him a wink as I bite my lip. He barely even notices. I needn’t have worried about him wanting to make sure I’m taken care of. He got what he came for.

But so did I.

Grabbing my clothes, I make a quick trip to the bathroom and dress quickly, glad this job is done.

Sometimes I wonder what the fuck I do this for. But then I remember the fat stacks of cash I rake in from the richest companies and executives in the world.

No, I’m not a hooker. I’m not a stripper. I’m a professional seductress. I’m paid by some of the top dogs of the top industries to bend politicians and executives to my will. To make them do the dirty things that'll turn wife and country against them.

All so they can be blackmailed.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not some evil black-widow type man-hater. But there are some evil dudes in this world. Many of them in politics and business. They’ve got some rotten agendas. Basically I’m just doing my part to make the world a better place by taking out the douchebags of the world.

Like this senator.

The asshole was almost too easy to manipulate. I know we got some good pictures on this one. Good thing, too. Now the people who hired me can be sure to get their legislation passed. See, this southern senator is one of the key votes that could affect a new bill coming up. He wants to ban teddy bears made in China from being sold in America. The company that makes the bears hired me, and now they have the pictures they need to blackmail this guy into voting their way.

What? You thought the American political system was on the up and up? Nope. These guys can be swayed to do what the big companies want them to do. And I use my body to make it happen.

I only take jobs I believe in, though. It’s my way of helping out the country. You’re welcome.

I’ve actually built it into a thriving business. It started out just me, but I now have a team of women working for me to bring down the assholes of the world.

Fluffing my hair up, I give myself one last glance in the mirror and leave the hotel room without a second glance at the good senator.

Just as I make my way onto the sidewalk outside the hotel, my phone rings. I stop and dig through my purse to find it, my eye on a limo that comes to a stop in front of me.

My assistant’s face is smiling at me from the screen, and I swipe the glass to answer. Does she have another job lined up for me already? “Hey, what’s up?”

“I have an important client that wants to talk to you.” Her normally chipper voice sounds a little subdued, like she’s in shock or something. Hmm, must be an interesting job.

“Okay, when?”

“I was just told to pass along a message. Get into the limo.”


“Seriously, Carter. How long are you going to keep doing this?” the woman on the video call says, her eyes skeptical.

I actually roll my eyes this time. “Come on, Lola. You’re joking, right? I’m making you so much money right now that we’d all be insane to end it.”

What the fuck? First Chase, and now Lola—both telling me I can’t keep this up forever. I don’t get it. Head Hunter is the most watched show on any network and online. We’re all making bank.

I look over at Chase, who’s sitting next to me on the private jet we’re taking to New York City, and give him a scrutinizing look, my eyes narrowed.

Lola Anders is the network executive. She should absolutely be on board with keeping this up. Am I missing something? Glancing back at the screen on the wall in front of us, I give her a charming grin.

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