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Protein Shake

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The guys are cheering now. I bet some of them thought if she was going to be all lovey-dovey and shit give the game ball to Ethan because he fucked her. But I can tell from Julianna’s eyes as she walks up to me and hands me the ball that she doesn't think like that. He was pleasuring her. He was servicing her. Not the other way around.

This woman doesn’t take shit from anyone.

“Where you been, sailor?” she asks me with a smirk. “I thought you had a prize to collect?”

Fuck me. She’s fucking coming onto me. I love this fucking woman.

“I thought you were busy,” I say, trying to throw the ball back in her court. And fuck it, you got me, okay? I’m a bit jealous.

“I was,” she says. “I had sex with Ethan, or do you live under a rock?”

Fucking Christ. That just takes me down. She doesn’t even fucking care. I can tell the guys are looking at us but trying to enjoy their own festivities - one or two are even popping champagne. I can tell DeShawn is trying his best to pretend like nothing is happening next to me, but he’s still wearing his fucking jock strap - too weirded out to take it off.

“Nah, I fucking saw that,” I say, wondering if I’m sounding like a little bitch.

“But I’m free tonight, if you want to see if you can do better?” she says out loud.

She doesn’t fucking care that a few of the guy’s snicker. I don’t care at this point either.

She doesn’t say anything more – just smiles sweetly at me and turns around.

And all I can do is stand there and watch her sway her hips, her perfect ass cheeks teasing me as she walks out of the room.

* * *

It takes about two hours to finally get into the city.

I can’t believe it but I’m fucking nervous. I have no reason to be. But I am, as I stand outside Julianna’s door.

I managed to scarf down a burger and a vitamin water on the way over here. I didn’t want to be fucking late.

Jesus Christ, will you fucking listen to me? I sound like a fucking 16-year-old on his first fucking date in his life!

But still, I take a deep breath and I ring the doorbell to her penthouse condo. Apparently, the receptionist was expecting me It’s just her door in the hallway. And the elevator that brought me up. Nothing else.

At first, there’s nothing.

Then the door opens.

Julianna’s standing there. With a glass of wine. My cock is fucking twitching like a fucking snake just seeing her.

She reaches over, grabs my shirt, and pulls me inside.

Fucking hell, this girl is gonna be trouble.


“Do you want some wine, Colt?” I ask him, my fingers still tight on his shirt. I pull him so close to me I can feel electricity building up between our lips.

“Was that what you did with Ethan? Drink fucking wine?” He asks, a hard edge to his words. I can’t stop myself from laughing straight to his face. Colt Stackford, the big bad wolf of the league, the nemesis of all married men around the country, is jealous.

How cute.

“No. We had no time for that,” I tell him, a provocative grin dancing on my lips. “You know Ethan. He doesn’t talk much. He prefers to act.”

Colt squints his eyes at me, and I know I got him right where it hurts. These two really can’t stop competing. In a sense, it’s almost as if they live for each other. Maybe they don’t see it, but they can’t fool me. These two spend a lot more time than would be reasonable thinking of each other. There’s something there, I can feel it.

“Ethan’s nothing,” Colt snickers. “Just wait until you’ve tried a real man.”

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