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Protein Shake

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AJ (holding up his hand): No, let me finish. I have no objection to her behavior at all. As a private citizen she's free to do whatever she wants. But the moment she puts herself under the microscope, she needs to place her own life on hold and uphold what society tells her is the moral code that we live by.

Courtney: So, coming back to the initial question. Do you think the actions that we've witnessed with Colt, Ethan, and Julianna will negatively impact their play on Monday against the Stepbrothers in San Francisco?


Monday night. America’s night. Lights. Cameras. Crowds.


I love every single fucking minute of this game.

But tonight, I seriously consider maybe finding a new line of fucking work.

The clock was winding and I snap the ball, heading back, looking for my receivers.

Too late. The Stepbrothers Defense has been on us like nothing else all night and broke past my right tackle.

I have maybe two seconds. But before I can do anything I see fucking stars. Pain shoots through my entire fucking body and I fall towards the ground.

My brain registers what happens without words. Someone must have gotten through and come up my blind side.

They got around the left tackle.

I land on the ground, trying to keep the football. I can’t let go of the football.

I fail.

It leaves my hands and bounces off.

That’s probably the only thing that saves my life. There’s a pileup of guys that fall on the ground, chasing the fucking ball.

But I’m past caring at this point. I take a few deep breaths, moving my legs and arms to see if everything is working. It’s good.

The pain subsides. Nothing broken. Nothing torn.

I stand up and realize that that we’ve turned over the ball.

Fucking again.

With a sigh, I run off the field as Ethan leads the defense out.

This has got to be like the ninth time we’ve traded spots on the field.

Ethan hasn’t spoken to me since the night he and I both had Julianna. In fact, he up and left before we could do anything more. Like a fucking light switch went off after he came.

It’s not like Julianna and I kept at it. We lay there for a little bit, kissing and shit, before we realized that we were pretty exposed in all this. With the way things were going with our sex lives, it wasn’t beyond the realm of possibility that some fucker with a camera somewhere had taken a picture of us. I don't even know where or how. But we decided it was probably best to call it a fucking night.

We left the stadium in separate cars. Going to separate beds.

When all my body wanted to do was to be near her. To hold onto her and never let her go.

But it wasn’t just fucking Julianna that I wanted.

I couldn't stop thinking of Ethan.

That fucker who’d been around my whole life. The one who I’d competed with the since we were kids - who always had been trying to steal my thunder. I couldn’t stop thinking of his fucking body.

Of his goddamn cock.

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