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Protein Shake

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He jogs up to me, a panicked expression on his face.

“I’m so sorry, Kara, I didn’t mean to alarm you.” He’s frantic, using animated gestures with his hands to explain himself and what the hell he’s doing here.

I want to be the one to speak first. “Ryan...uh...I gotta tell you...this is one hell of a coincidence.” I chuckle nervously.

Ryan stutters but quickly recovers. “I-I’m sorry,” he apologizes again. “When I saw that you were here in Japan promoting Protein Plus at the Miss Sexy USA pageant, I started digging into the brand.”

I shake my head, confused. “Um, why would you do something like that?” He licks his lips and glances around, looking paranoid, as if somebody might be eavesdropping in on our conversation.

“Listen to me,” he says and tries to grip my elbow, but I shove him off.

“It would be really great if you don’t touch me,” I hiss.

He nods but leans in to whisper quietly. “I found some unsettling information about the brand,” he confesses.

I cross my arms and furrow my brow. “Like what?” I ask expectantly.

“Like how several women have come forward and claimed to be irrationally horny for your two stud muffins after drinking the product. It’s warping women’s brains, Kara. If you’ve been drinking it, it’s probably warped yours, too.”

I scoff. “That’s crazy. They’re just protein shakes, Ryan. Take off your tin foil hat, and stop being such a fucking weirdo.”

“It’s not crazy. They’re not allowing their distributors to restock it, and their legal team is already scrambling to cover their asses,” Ryan says. “Besides, I know you, Kara. You don’t act like a slut. The only reason you are even out here doing this crap is because you’ve been totally affected by that fucking drink.”

“Look, I have to go,” I say brashly and move away from him.

“Please,” Ryan calls out with such forceful desperation that it makes me turn around. “Kara, you’ve gotta believe me!”

“What?” I say with impatience. “You blocked me out of your life for two fucking years, dude. I don’t owe you the time of day.”

“The only reason you’re competing is because they brainwashed you. They’re drugging you with that drink, and the side effects are making you wild. This isn’t you, Kara.” There’s desire in Ryan’s eyes—I don’t even pretend not to notice it.

So, there it is. He just wants me back, and he’s willing to spew whatever bullshit he can to reclaim me—or at least get me away from his competition.

He’s jealous, and I pity him, honestly. I also think it’s daring and bold for him to fly all the way to Japan just to spew some kind of conspiracy theory about women being brainwashed by my boyfriends.

“The only crazy one in this situation is you,” I huff and spin on a heel, ready to get away from him because, right now, he disgusts me.

He jogs up to meet me and stands in front of me defiantly, blocking my path.

I sigh with exasperation. “How far will you go to sprout lies, Ryan?”

“I’m not lying!” he roars so loudly that I jump and recoil.

He immediately realizes his mistake and eases out of his abrasive tone. “I’m sorry,” he whispers for the billionth time since our encounter began.

“What do you really want, Ryan?” I narrow my eyes at him, ready for him to get to the point.

“I want you to come back to the States,” he pleads. “I miss you. I Come back home, Kara, where you belong. Be my girlfriend again.”

“, thanks.” I wrinkle my nose in disapproval. “That’s, like, the worst idea I’ve ever heard in my life.”

Ryan’s face collapses into regret, but he has only himself to blame. It’s over between us. He had his chance, and he blew it.

I stand there, staring at him and scrutinizing his face even though I should be running as far as I can, away from him.

His eyes glaze over with wonderment and longing. “You’re so beautiful. You look sexier than ever, Kara.”

I shift my weight awkwardly and then snap myself out of it.

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