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Dirty Thief

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Her pale brows clutch together, and she stares at me completely confused. “Dwayne Vega? That asshole who tried to hurt you in Florida?”

I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and nod. “One and the same.”

“What the f… hell does he want?”

My eyebrows shoot up. “Good save.”

“We’ve started a swear jar.”

“Hell doesn’t count?”

“Technically not a swear word. Now tell me what is going on.”

Another deep inhale, another sigh. “I never told you this, but when we ran away, I took his special wallet.”

She frowns. “Why?”

“He made that big show of putting my picture in it. Do you even remember that?”

Zelda shakes her head. “I tried to tune him out. He was always saying creepy shit, and I only had six months to go before I could get us out of there.”

“Well, before we ran, I took it, because I wasn’t letting that asshole keep anything of me.”

“Okay. So you stole his stupid special wallet. No big deal.”

Clearing my throat, I slide my finger in a line through the sand. “Only, it is a big deal. It had a fifteen thousand dollar note in it.”

“What?” Zelda shrieks loudly, and once again, Belle is with us whining. “Sorry, baby!” Zee says again in a soft voice. “Everything’s okay!”

“Da,” Belle pouts again, this time putting her head on my sister’s shoulder.

“Mother of the year award, Table 2.”

“Stop it,” I argue. “Cal’s probably slipping her chocolates all the time.”

“So finish the story.” Her eyes narrow. “And don’t skip the part about why the fu… heck you never told me about this before. We could have really used that money. Do you know all the shi… stuff I had to do with Seth?”

She’s only pretend fussing, but her words are like a punch in the stomach. “I’m so sorry, Zee. I should have told you.”

She leans back on her towel, and Belle’s cheek is on her chest. The baby is sucking her thumb, and my sister reaches over to pat my arm. “It’s okay. We didn’t turn out too badly. You know.”

“Except for what happened on the island.” A pain is starting in my temple. “I should have told you. You never would have gotten mixed up with Seth.”

“And we wouldn’t be here right now with the men we love, with Belle,” she says. “Everything worked out like it was supposed to. Anyway, we would’ve been busted with that much money. Or robbed. We were just kids. Then they would have tossed us right back into foster care—or worse.”

“You would have figured out a way to keep it safe,” I say softly.

“I would have had to use Seth, and you know how he was. He would have been trying to get his cut.” She pats my hand. “Trust me, it would have been just as difficult if I’d known.”

I look out at the emerald water and consider the alternate timeline. I suppose she’s right. Now, looking back, I wish I’d left the fucking wallet and simply run.

As if sensing my mood, Zee’s voice is gentle when she asks, “What’s happening now?”

“He wants it back.” My throat hurts. “He’s willing to kill to get it.”

She sits up slightly, and her eyes hold mine. Concern etches her face. “What does that mean? Is he threatening you?”

“Rowan says he and André and Freddie are handling it, but I’m so afraid.” My voice cracks. “Dwayne is as horrible and scary as ever.”

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