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Loved by the Lion: Kindred Tales

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“In a manner of speaking,” the Mining Director said. “You see, the males and females on Rigellen Five are not, strictly speaking, the same species. I’m sure you can understand, since you two appear to be of different species as well.” He nodded at Em and Rarev who cast a glance at each other and nodded in unison.

“That’s true,” Rarev said. “We are different species but still compatible.”

“That’s exactly how it is with us.” The Mining Director—who was now considerably larger and bulkier than he had been earlier—leaned forward eagerly. “You see, long ago on Rigellen Five, there was a terrible plague that killed almost all the women. It seemed that the remaining men were doomed to die out…until we realized that the answer to our troubles was right under our noses.”

He sniffed, wrinkling the three nostrils on his rather broad blue nose.

“Do go on,” Em said. She was genuinely interested and now that the sex show was over, was considerably more comfortable talking to the Director.

“Well,” he said. “We had another sentient species on our planet—a shape-shifter that needed another organism in order to gain structure and sustenance. Up until that time, this species—we called them slimers—had been considered a parasite. We avoided them whenever possible. But then one of our leading scientists—who was extremely lonely after the loss of his wife, poor fellow—actually got to know one of them. He realized, after some study, (and after falling in love with the slimer he was speaking to)—that almost all of them were female. Not only that, but their DNA was compatible enough with ours to actually interbreed.”

“How fascinating!” Em exclaimed. “So the two species intermingled?”

“Yes, we did.” The Mining Director nodded. “Now every male is matched with his slime-wife—as we call them—in late adolescence. He carried her with him everywhere and whenever they want to spend time together, she is able to draw from his strength to become solid—for a time.”

“And at other times she is part of you?” Rarev asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Well, in a manner of speaking. She lives on me, you see—I give her part of my sustenance and strength and in return I have the most loving spouse any man could ask for.”

The Mining Director looked down at his bare right shoulder, where a pair of purple, feminine looking eyes with long lashes had formed.

“Say something, won’t you darling?” he asked the eyes.

A purple mouth with lush bubble-lips formed right below the eyes on the Director’s chest.

“My husband is correct,” a soft, feminine voice said. “We are always together and never apart. Our love is eternal, for when he dies, I shall die with him and follow him into the great beyond.”

“That’s very touching,” Em murmured and was surprised to find that she really was touched at this unusual but close relationship.

She didn’t think she’d like to be quite that connected to her husband—if she should ever find one again, which was highly doubtful. But it was clear the symbiotic relationship worked well for the Rigellens and she was happy for them.

“You can see why we value the connection and honest affection between male and female so highly,” the Mining Director went on. “Which is why we will be evaluating the relationship between the partners who have come to vie for the Mining Rights to our planet.”

“You will?” Rarev asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Oh yes.” The Mining Director nodded eagerly. “And of course, whichever couple displays the greatest devotion and the best relationship will win the contract.”

“They will?” Em asked blankly. Sure he wasn’t saying what she thought he was saying…was he? An uneasy feeling began to grow in the pit of her stomach.

“Yes, they will,” the Director said firmly. “We know, of course, that no other species can possibly match our own—the profound love and devotion between a man and his slime-wife is unparalleled. But we will know by their actions which couple is the most like us—and in that way, we will know who would be the best trading partner.”

“I see,” Rarev said, nodding slowly. “So you want to do business only with people from a planet who emulate the Rigellens’ actions and emotions towards their mates.”

“Exactly!” The Mining Director looked pleased. “I’m so glad you see my point! I’m afraid some of the other couples who came to compete for the Mining Rights don’t seem to quite understand.”

“Er…could you possibly tell us a little about the, ahem, trials we’re going to be competing in?” Em asked. “And could you tell us how long they last?” she added. If they took a very long time, the Darklings might attack again before she and Rarev could get back, she thought, feeling worried.

“Oh, they’ll be finished by tomorrow,” the Mining Director said confidently. “We’ll know by then which couple comes from a planet and a people who would make good trade partners with us. The trials will tell us that, without question.”

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