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Loved by the Lion: Kindred Tales

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“I see where you’re going.” Rarev nodded gravely. “Nevertheless, they need to know. They must be ready for another attack, in case we don’t get the Yillium in time.”

“Fine.” Sylvan nodded. “But it might be better coming from another human rather than a Kindred—we need to choose someone who can cushion the blow.”

“What about Minister Emilia Oxley?” Rarev suggested, as casually as he could.

You ought to stay away from her, whispered a little warning voice in his head. If you want to keep your vow never to call a bride, that is. She smells too damn delicious…too tempting…

Rarev pushed the voice away. The Minister from the UK has been invaluable in helping the Monstrum Kindred gain the right to call brides from Earth. She had basically forced the vote, overruling the Secretary-General of the World Council—who was a disgusting bigot—by the force of her personality alone. She was a formidable female—strong and self-assured, which Rarev couldn’t deny was damned attractive. He was a Lionus Monstrum and his kind were very dominant, which meant they were naturally attracted to strong, self-confident females.

What about her scent, isn’t that what you really find attractive? the voice in his head whispered again. The scent of a mature Elite entering her second Mating Season—her Second Heat? Not to mention her lush curves and her long silver mane…

No! He pushed the thought away again. What right had he to call a bride when the rest of the Monstrum were still waiting so patiently, hoping to avoid problems when they came to Claim the Earth females their minds were aligned with?

Already several of his people had come to tell him they were Dream-Sharing with potential mates. But the situation on Earth was tense—many humans were angry at the idea that “animals” were now allowed to call brides from among them. There were cries of “bestiality” and “depravity” and protests had been cropping up all over the small blue and green planet.

Rarev wished he could explain to them that the Monstrum were people too. Just because some of them looked a bit like Earth animals, didn’t mean they were mindless beasts. They were sentient, intelligent beings who only wanted to be seen and treated as equals.

But that seemed to be too much to ask from many humans…

“Yes, I think she’s an excellent choice,” Commander Sylvan said, interrupting Rarev’s dark thoughts. “We can run the information by her and ask her advice on what to disclose to the rest of the World Council.”

“Indeed. I should go at once.” Rarev kept his face impassive, trying not to betray the eagerness he felt to see the gorgeous mature Elite again.

“Oh? You intend to go yourself rather than sending a messenger?”

Sylvan raised his eyebrows. It was odd to see the two furry appendages on his otherwise smooth face, Rarev thought. Though he found the smooth, nearly hairless skin of the humanoid females of this ‘verse extremely enticing, it just looked odd on the males. They must feel naked all the time, despite the layers of clothing they wore.

“It’s important information—I think Minister Oxley deserves to hear it from one of us personally,” he said. “And since the Monstrum are in her debt for helping to get us the right to call brides from Earth, I am the logical choice to go and speak to her.”

“I see.” Commander Sylvan nodded thoughtfully. “You know she’s unmated, right? My understanding is that her first mate left her for another female.”

“What?” Rarev frowned in confusion. “He left her? How?”

“You know that humans are unable to form soul-bonds like we Kindred do, correct?” Sylvan raised his eyebrows again.

Rarev nodded.

“Yes, but I didn’t think they could just leave their mates on a whim.”

“Well, they can.” Sylvan shook his head. “Unfortunately, it is often the male who does the leaving when he finds a mate he thinks is better suited to him.”

“Better suited to him? In what way?” Rarev asked, confused.

Sylvan steepled his long fingers on his desk.

“Many times a human male will leave his mate for a younger female.”

Rarev shook his head.

“I don’t understand—he leaves just when his female has become mature and hit the peak season of her desirability?” Many of the Monstrum Kindred were especially attracted to older females—those who had reached the time of their Second Mating Season—because of the ways their bodies reacted to the pheromones in a Monstrum’s Bonding Scent. Often just being near a Monstrum male would bring on a Mature female’s Second Heat, which made them even more desirable.

“I know—it makes no sense.” Sylvan shrugged. “But it happens all the time. And I believe something like that is what happened to Minister Oxley.”

“Then her former mate was a fool,” Rarev stated.

“Undoubtedly,” Sylvan said dryly. “But if I were you, I wouldn’t mention him unless she brings him up first. Human women often feel wounded by such betrayals—and who can blame them? Is there anything worse than a faithless mate?”

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