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Loved by the Lion: Kindred Tales

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“Please don’t worry about me, darling. I’ll be fine—I’m certain I will.”

She smiled as she spoke, dissembling quite well, considering the circumstances, Rarev thought.

He frowned and turned to her. Taking her beautiful face in his hands, he looked down, searching her eyes to see how she really felt.

“Are you sure, beloved?” he asked softly. “Because I don’t like leaving you alone on a strange planet like this.”

Emilia bit her lower lip as their eyes locked and he could hear her heart rate increase. At the same time, the scent of her feminine desire increased as well. It must be his Bonding Scent working on her, Rarev thought, pushing her even further into her Second Mating Period. Oh yes, their bodies were definitely compatible—but what he wanted to know now was if their minds were in true agreement.

“I…I’ll be fine, darling,” she said. Her voice wavered just a bit but her eyes were steady as she stared up at him. “Please just let me go. This, er, Cleansing process seems to be a necessary part of the Trials. And we don’t want to lose out on the chance of getting the Yillium we need.”

At last Rarev was convinced. Mainly because, while he smelled a great deal of desire in her scent, he didn’t catch even a whiff of fear. Also, her eyes were filled with fierce determination.

Such courage—such resolve, he thought, feeling even more attracted to her. They were traits he valued in anyone and Emilia “had them in spades,” as the humans said.

“Very well, beloved,” he murmured at last. Leaning down, he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. He felt her tremble slightly at the press of his lips to her skin and enjoyed breathing in her scent for a moment more. Then, he released her. “Be well,” he told her. “And I’ll see you shortly.” He looked at his own attendant. “How long does the process take?”

“Not long, not long,” the attendant assured him. “Come, let me lead you through the Purifying Mists.”

“And I shall lead you, Minister Oxley,” the attendant who had been Jorad and was now Elfa murmured. “Come.” She nodded at Emilia, who nodded and drew away from Rarev.

“I’ll see you soon, darling,” she said, giving him another bright smile, which he thought seemed rather forced. But he still didn’t sense any fear from her—maybe she was still just nervous about the physical closeness between them.

Rarev hoped she could get used to it, because there was no doubt that they were going to have to get even closer if they were going to pass the Trials the Rigellens had set for them.

He nodded at her once more and then allowed the male attendant to lead him through the frosted glass door on the left, while Emilia went with Elfa through the door on the right.

He just hoped this process wouldn’t take too long—they had a limited time in which to get the Yillium.


Em could still feel the soft press of Rarev’s lips against her forehead as she followed Elfa into the women’s Cleansing chamber. She could also still see the look of concern in his deep golden eyes when he’d said he didn’t like leaving her alone on a strange planet.

She had to admit, she rather liked his protectiveness of her. Despite their age difference, he didn’t act like a younger man, she thought. In fact, he had a confidence and a gravitas she would have expected in a much older man.

Oh please, Em—stop it, he’s playing a part, that’s all, a skeptical little voice whispered in her head. And even if he isn’t—even if he really likes you—you know the two of you could never be together. He has that vow he says he made and the tabloids would have a field day, wouldn’t they? They’ll call you “Minister Monster-fucker” and say how you’re crafting all your legislation just to benefit the Monstrum Kindred.

It was true, she thought—even if there was some genuine emotion between herself and Rarev, nothing could ever come of it. Trying to put the big Monstrum out of her head, she looked around, taking heed of her surroundings.

They were in a locker room type area with glass benches to sit on and clear glass lockers stacked on top of each other, four high. At the end of the room was a clear glass door with colors swirling behind it.

“Here you may leave your clothing while you step into the Mists of Purification.” Elfa spoke serenely, as though it was no big deal for Em to get naked in front of her.

“Er…all of my clothes?” Em asked. “I mean, maybe I could just leave my underthings on?” she asked hopefully.

But her attendant shook her head.

“I fear that would not work. You must be utterly naked so that the Purifying Mists can touch all of you at once.”

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