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Loved by the Lion: Kindred Tales

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Rarev would have liked to hold her close forever, but after a moment Elfa, the female bathing instructor, cleared her throat.

“Now that you have had a joyous reunion, we really must go and meet the other couples who have come to participate in the Trials,” she said.

“Oh…of course.” Reluctantly, Rarev released the curvy little female and Emilia stepped out of his embrace. “Come, my darling,” he said, reaching for her hand. “Let us go and meet the others.”

“Yes, let’s.” She gave him a look he couldn’t read and then took his offered hand and they followed Elfa out of the waiting area and through another long corridor made of glass.

Rarev wondered what they would find at the end of it.


About a thousand things had been flying through Em’s mind when she first saw the big Monstrum Kindred again.

Her first thought was that the Mists had made Rarev’s wild mane of hair even more gorgeous and she had the urge to stroke it all over again, just as she had when they had first met.

The golden fur which covered his body was more lustrous as well. It seemed to glint and sparkle, as though the Monstrum Commander had somehow caught the sunlight and was holding it captive for his personal use. Then she had realized that she was seeing a lot more of his fur than she ever had before. That was because he was bare-chested and the loose white trousers he had on were…

Crotchless! My God, what in the world?

Before she could stop herself, her eyes darted between his muscular thighs, looking for what she told herself she didn’t really want to see. But…there was nothing there. Just fur. Where was his penis, she couldn’t help wondering? Where was the famous beast-like equipment that everyone was so upset about back home?

The tabloids had run an “exposé” on the Monstrum Kindred’s intimate parts when it had first been announced that they would be allowed to call brides from Earth and the stories they had come up with had been, to say the least, outlandish. Stories of male equipment so huge no human woman could possibly accommodate it, tales of odd ridges and knobs that were meant especially for a female’s internal delight—(which the Press had treated as some kind of perversion, because God forbid any part of a male’s anatomy be used specifically for female pleasure)—and lurid murmurs of a “Mating Knot” at the base of the shaft which would tie a female to a Monstrum for hours, all prevailed. There were even whispers of a special fluid some Monstrum secreted which could give a woman instant orgasms.

But Em didn’t see how any of this could be true, if there was no shaft in the first place. Well, maybe it was somehow hidden under his fur, she speculated. It was a bit shaggier between his legs…

And then he had gathered her in for a hug and it was almost like her brain shorted out. She had been close to him before, but never this close and never when both of them had so few clothes on. The feeling of his hard, muscular chest under the soft coat of luxuriant, velvety fur rubbing against her own body was almost too much—a sensory overload of pleasure, Em thought.

She had a sudden wish that she was wearing nothing at all—not even the strange, Venetian Blinds dress—so she could feel all that lovely fur against her body while she was completely naked.

Stop thinking that way, Em! she scolded herself. Of course you don’t want to be naked with him! What’s wrong with you?

But the feeling of wanting to rub her entire naked body against the big Monstrum’s persisted, no matter how she tried to push it away. Maybe it had something to do with his scent, which was stronger and wilder than ever, she thought. It almost seemed to call to her somehow.

Or maybe it’s just your menopausal hormones playing havoc with your body’s responses, she told herself. Stop being ridiculous, Em and focus on getting through this ordeal so you can get home and save the Earth!

Then Elfa had said it was time to meet the other contestants in the Trials, cutting off her train of conflicting thoughts and emotions, and Rarev had at last released her. But Em had to admit, as they walked down yet another long, glass corridor, her skin was still tingling where he had hugged her. And the sexual need growing inside her was still there, no matter how hard she tried to push it away.

She tried to keep her arms straight down by her sides and ignore the heat between her thighs as they walked, hand-in-hand, through the next glass door that Elfa held open for them. Inside was another luxurious room, much like the bridal gallery one where Em had been taken after floating in the Purifying Mists.

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