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Loved by the Lion: Kindred Tales

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“Now then, now then—let us have the rules. As you all know, we are looking for the couple whose relationship is the closest to the Rigellen idea of perfection. And so, we must have complete honesty from all of you as to how you really feel about each other. To that end, before the first Trial, you shall all be given an Enubrian truth berry.”

As he spoke, Elfa was walking around with a crystal tray that held plump, bright pink berries about as big as Em’s thumb. She stared at the tray uncertainly, wondering if it was safe to take one. What if they were perfectly fine for Rigellens but poisonous to humans?

As the tray came to her and Rarev, she wasn’t sure what to do. But when Elfa stopped in front of them, the big Monstrum Kindred pulled a small device that looked like a silver pencil out of the pocket of his loose trousers. He waved the tip of it over the berries on the tray for a moment until a soft chime sounded and the tip of silver pencil—which had been clear to start with—turned green.

“It’s all right,” he said to Em. “These berries aren’t poisonous to either Monstrum or humans. They’re safe to consume.” He plucked a berry from the tray and popped it into his mouth.

“Is that thing some kind of poison detector?” Em asked quietly, as she also took a berry.

“It scans for any and all harmful substances,” Rarev answered. “I bring it with me whenever I go to an unknown world. I recalibrated it to scan for both my kind and yours while I was waiting for you after our time in the Mists.”

“Oh, er, thank you.” Em reflected that she hadn’t even thought of such a thing—but she was certainly glad that Rarev had.

She took a berry herself and popped it into her mouth. It burst on her tongue in a gush of tart-sweetness that reminded her a bit of pink grapefruit with a hint of cinnamon and mint. Most refreshing actually, and she didn’t have to worry if it was poison because the big Monstrum had been both thoughtful and careful regarding her safety.

“You know,” she said, looking up at Rarev. “I’ve had bodyguards ever since I won the UK seat in the World Council, but I don’t believe I’ve ever had anyone as thorough and thoughtful as you. Not that you’re actually my bodyguard,” she added hastily, not wanting him to think she was downplaying his role in all this. “I’m just trying to say thank you, that’s all.”

“Emilia,” he murmured, ducking to catch her eyes with his own. “It is my very great pleasure to guard your beautiful body. I only wish I could pleasure you as well.”

“Oh, er…” Em’s heart started pounding as she looked into his golden eyes. It was such a forward statement on his part—was he simply playing his role as her “mate?”

Then Rarev frowned and ran one hand over his head, ruffling his golden mane.

“Forgive me,” he growled. “I did not mean to say that last part aloud. I think the truth berry may already be working on me.”

“They must work very quickly then,” Em murmured. Her heart was still pounding and she wondered what truths might spill out of her mouth the next time she opened her lips. It might be better to keep quiet as much as possible from now on! What if—?

But a strident voice interrupted her internal musings.

“I won’t take it, I tell you! I must claim a medical exemption—I am allergic to so many things that I must refuse.”

It was Mistress Tatterass, speaking rapidly and angrily as she tried to push away the crystal tray containing the truth berries which Elfa was offering her.

“Please do not be concerned that anything we offer you would harm you,” the Director of Mining said, coming forward and laying a hand on the Yonnite Mistress’s shoulder. “We have thoroughly researched all of our contestants’ physiology—I assure you that the berries are perfectly safe for you to consume.”

“No!” Mistress Tatterass shrugged his hand off her shoulder angrily. “You cannot force me to eat unknown food. It’s…it’s against my religion! I’ll tell you what…” She cleared her throat and lifted her chin. “Let me take an oath to tell only the truth and we’ll leave these blasted berries out of it, shall we?”

“And how do we know you would keep your oath?” Om’bobla burbled.

“The squid man is right,” Lord Torrid said, frowning. “None of us know you—how can we trust that your word is unimpeachable?”

Mistress Tatterass drew herself up to her full height and did her best to look down her nose at everyone.

“Because I am a Mistress of Yonnie Six! I own one of the tallest buildings in Opulex and my word is good anywhere in the galaxy!”

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