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Loved by the Lion: Kindred Tales

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“I…er…” Her cheeks were getting red and he could feel the one he was cupping growing warm in his hand. It was a shame he had embarrassed her, Rarev thought, but she needed to know the truth of how he felt for her. He had put off telling her long enough.

“Well, well—this is a most interesting development.” The Director’s voice coming from overhead startled them both and Rarev pulled his hand away.

For a moment, the world had narrowed down to just the two of them, he thought, and they’d both forgotten all about why they were here and what they were supposed to be doing.

“Er…” Emilia tore her eyes from his and looked out to see the Director of Mining, who was conferring with the rest of the panel of judges. Finally, he turned towards them again.

“Minister Oxley,” he said to Emilia. “Do you also desire Commander Rarev as he desires you?”

“I…I…” Emilia’s face got even redder as they all waited eagerly to hear what she would say.


My God, what am I going to say?

Em’s mind was spinning as she looked into those golden eyes. She couldn’t believe what Rarev had just admitted—couldn’t believe that he really found her irresistible. And it wasn’t like he desired her in spite of her faults—he seemed to desire her because of them.

Could it be that his type of Monstrum Kindred really did gravitate towards older women? Well, since they also liked curvy women, Em supposed it wasn’t completely out of the question. Besides, Rarev had told her how he felt while he was under the influence of the truth berries and couldn’t lie.

Which means you can’t lie either, a little voice in her head reminded her. You ate a truth berry too—remember, Em?

As if she could forget.

“Well, Minister Oxley?” the Director of Mining asked again. “How do you feel about your partner, Chief Commander Rarev? We’re all waiting to find out.”

And they were—the blue Rigellen faces were practically pressed against the side of the crystal dome, staring at her until Em felt like an exhibit in the zoo!

“I, er…” She cleared her throat. “I think he’s very handsome—very tall and strong and I admire his bravery,” she began, which was all true.

“Yes, but do you desire him?” the Director pressed.

Em wanted to lie—to put them off—but she found that she couldn’t. The direct question was pushing her up against a wall, forcing her to speak her mind because of the truth berry she’d consumed.

“Yes, I bloody well do, all right?” she snapped, finally losing her patience. Then, to her horror, she continued talking, though she really didn’t want to. “I love the feel of his fur against my skin,” she admitted, not sure where to look as she spoke. “Earlier when he hugged me, I wanted to be naked and feel him pressed against me. And he smells incredible—every time I’m near him I just want to rub my self against his big, hard body and breathe him in.”

Then, finally, she was able to stop. She looked down at her hands, blushing fiercely, unable to look up and meet anyone’s eyes. How could she have said such things? It was horribly embarrassing! And it wouldn’t do them any good either, considering that they had lied about being a couple. Any minute now the Director of Mining was going to announce that she and Rarev were out of the running and then she would have exposed herself for nothing!

And I’ll have to ride all the way home in his ship with him knowing how much I want him, she thought dismally. It’s going to be beyond humiliating!

How could she bear it? How—

“Well, after speaking to the panel of judges, I think we’re going to make a special dispensation for you two.” The Director’s voice cut through her dismal thoughts and Em jerked her head up to look at him.

“A…special dispensation?” she asked, hardly daring to hope.

“Does that mean you’ll allow us to continue participating in the Trials, even though we misled you about our relationship status?” Rarev asked, raising his eyebrows.

“We will.” The Director nodded. “Yes. You see, Minister Oxley, Chief Commander Rarev, we Rigellens don’t believe that you actually lied about being a couple. It is our thought that we are witnessing the beginning of your relationship as a couple and we are all eager to see how it continues as the Trials go on.”

There was a general nodding of blue heads at this statement and several of the slime-wives appearing on their husband’s shoulders murmured agreement as well.

“Therefore,” the Director continued, “We will consider that you have passed this first Trial and allow you to move on to the second—the Trial of Taste—which will be held tomorrow. But first, we shall all adjourn for the evening meal and then you will be shown to your chambers,” he went on, smiling broadly.

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