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Loved by the Lion: Kindred Tales

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Sure enough, there was a trail of drying slime on her knee and the inside of her right thigh. It was pale green in color and it made Em’s stomach turn to see the sticky stuff in such an intimate area.

“So I wasn’t imagining it,” she muttered to herself. “But what was it?”

She would have sworn it was Om’bobla if the squid man hadn’t been completely busy stuffing his face with the weird shark meat. Especially considering the rude and revolting way he’d been talking to her only moments before.

Well, no matter how it had gotten there, Em wanted the disgusting slimy stuff off of her.

Luckily, there was a sink-type apparatus on the wall across from the toilet and a soft towel, probably meant for drying one’s hands. Em wet the towel in the sink, which had three spouts—one for hot water, one for cold, and one which dispensed creamy purple foam that smelled like fresh coffee mixed with wildflowers. The water alone wasn’t very effective, but the odd-smelling purple foam worked beautifully—melting through the green slime almost instantly and leaving her feeling clean again.

She had just finished scrubbing the disgusting stuff off, when the glass door banged open and someone else entered the small room with her.

Looking up, Em saw it was Om’bobla. Ugh! Only years of time spent working in diplomacy saved her from making a very ugly face.

“Excuse me,” she said frostily, straightening the hem of her dress and laying the towel on the crystal counter beside the sink. “But this room is occupied. I’ll be out in a moment.”

“Oh, no you won’t, my pretty little humanoid,” Om’bobla burbled. He leaned back against the door, which opened inward, effectively blocking it with his blubbery gray bulk. “You’re staying right here with me.”

“What do you think you’re doing?” Em crossed her arms over her breasts, making sure to stay across the room from him—there was no way she was getting close enough for him to reach her with his disgusting tentacle fingers.

“What am I doing? Why, I’m getting what I want.” The squid man gave her a most unpleasant smile. “Did I tell you that on my planet when we see something we want, we take it?”

“You’re a disgusting pig,” Em said in a level voice. “And I want nothing to do with you.”

“Doesn’t matter what you want though—it’s what the male wants that matters,” he sneered. “Why don’t you come over here and let me slip my shaft in your tight little cunt? I’m sure we have time for a quickie before the third Trial starts.”

Em glared at him.

“You must be mad if you think I’ll let you do anything of the sort. And how long do you think you can be in here with me before Rarev gets suspicious and comes looking? He doesn’t trust you a bit—he didn’t even want me sitting by you and he’ll certainly come to find out why you followed me out here.”

“Oh, I think he’s a little bit busy—they all are,” Om’bobla burbled. “You see, I may have kept some clay back to make some stinging mer-chits and released them just before I left. They made quite a scene, I’m afraid.” He gave Em a leering grin. “I let them loose on Lady Tabuu’s tits when no one was looking. The minute they started stinging her, she started screaming and squirting that purple milk she makes all over the dining area. Last I saw, everyone at the table was jumping around like veeter-crabs with Lord Torrid howling that she was ‘coming without him’ and her screaming that she wasn’t coming and everyone else trying to dodge the squirts of milk.”

This would have been a humorous description if it had come from anyone else, Em thought. But the idea that the squid man had deliberately engineered such a chaotic situation so that no one would realize he had snuck off to find her alone made her feel cold inside.

“Stay away from me,” she told him, hoping her voice wasn’t trembling. “I told you—I want nothing to do with you. I’m with Rarev.”

“And now you can be with me for a while,” Om’bobla bubbled, leering at her. “Come on now—let’s just have a quick fuck for luck, what do you say? I just love slipping my shaft into humanoid pussy. Don’t get me wrong, I love my Channa, but fucking a fish pussy isn’t the same—it’s ice cold and scaly inside while a humanoid cunt is so nice and soft and warm…”

Em was only half listening to what he was saying because she was busy planning her next move.

The minute he moves away from the door and comes for me, I’m going to duck under his arm and run out of here, she thought. And I’ll scream bloody murder as I run!

The plan had to work. There was no way she was going to him, so the squid man was going to have to come to her. He couldn’t attack her from across the room so if he wanted to come after her, he’d have to leave the door—which didn’t have a lock on it—unguarded. He—

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