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Loved by the Lion: Kindred Tales

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Em and Rarev, however, were just standing there. Em was just trying to process what the third Trial was about. She supposed she ought to have expected something like this—hadn’t Om’bobla asked her if she was ready to “fuck for her world” or something to that effect?

But she didn’t want to think of the disgusting squid man now. She had to keep her mind on the present and ask herself how she and Rarev were going to win the Third Trial without bonding themselves together permanently.

Em had been part of the World Council and had worked with the Kindred long enough to know that making love with a Kindred warrior could result in a permanent soul bond—which was exactly what she and Rarev had promised themselves they would avoid. But was there a way to pass the Third Trial the Rigellens had set them without bonding?

She just didn’t know.

“You may retire to your Trial Vessels which have been outfitted with a comfortable lovemaking platform,” the Mining Director continued. “The judges and myself will observe you as you take each other to ecstasy and determine which couple most closely aligns with the Rigellen ideals of passion and pleasure.”

“So you’ll be watching us during our lovemaking?” Em asked. The words nearly stuck in her throat. She really wasn’t an exhibitionist at heart and the idea of five blue faces pressed to the glass dome as she and Rarev ‘put on a show’ sexually was perhaps the least appealing thing she’d ever contemplated.

“Well yes—of course.” The Director nodded. “How else can we adequately judge your performance?”

“Some of us perform better if we don’t observe our observers,” Rarev growled. “Neither of our peoples have sex in public places like the Rigellens. We aren’t used to making love in front of a crowd.”

“Hmmm…” The Director knit his brow and on his chest, his slime-wife made an expression of concentration.

“I have it,” she said at last, speaking from a mouth she had grown below her eyes. “Why do we not dim the outer chamber so that the contestants cannot see us watching them?”

“An excellent idea, my dear!” The Director looked down at his chest fondly. “It may make for a more ‘romantic’ atmosphere as well. Judges?”

He looked at the other four Rigellen judges and their slime-wives and all of them nodded and murmured agreement.

“Very well.” The Mining Director nodded. “We shall darken the outer chamber so that our presence will be unobtrusive. Do all the contestants agree to this solution?”

“We have no need of such measures—we are quite used to performing in front of crowds of thousands,” Lord Torrid said loftily. “However, if our competitors need such measures taken in order to perform, we have no problem with it.”

“Only please—can we start soon?” Lady Tabuu moaned anxiously. “It has been hours since we last made love and my vaginal slits are aching to be filled by my lover’s shafts!”

“Yes, my darling—soon I shall take you,” Lord Torrid murmured, stroking all four of her breasts with all four of his hands. “We shall give a performance such as has never been seen before!”

Em wondered how in the world she and Rarev were supposed to compete with the likes of these two who were sexual Olympians on their own world. But at least they wouldn’t have to compete whilst watching the Rigellens staring at them. They would still be out there—beyond the crystal bell jar—judging, but at least she and Rarev didn’t have to see them doing it.

“All right,” the Mining Director announced. “Please enter your Trial Vessels and begin. You can take as little or as much time as you like, but one of you must take the other with both passion and pleasure.”

Em looked up at Rarev to see if she could read his expression but his leonine face was inscrutable as they ducked under the lip of the crystal dome. The dome lowered and the lights dimmed outside, leaving them alone in a golden pool of luminescence and she still wasn’t sure what they were going to do.

“Rarev?” she asked at last. “Er…I just—”

“Are you certain you’re up for this?” he asked, frowning.

“What? What do you mean?” Em looked up at him uncertainly.

Rarev sat on the edge of the “lovemaking platform” and looked up at her. “Emilia,” he said gently. “You were just attacked. You still bear the marks on your skin.”

Taking one of her hands, he traced the thin, red, whip-like lines the tentacles had left around her wrists.

“I’m fine. I’m over it,” Em insisted. “He didn’t get to do…what he was trying to do, now did he?” she added sharply.

“I don’t know,” Rarev murmured. “I only know what I saw when I burst into the fresher. But I have no idea what happened before I got there.” His golden eyes were concerned as he looked at her.

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