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Loved by the Lion: Kindred Tales

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“Mmmmm…” Rarev purred, his thighs spreading wider. “Stroke me, my l’eeja—you have found my sheath.”

Em stroked the long, thick ridge and after a moment the fur parted and his shaft began to emerge.

The first thing she noticed was that it wasn’t covered in fur, like the rest of him. It was dark red and the skin was soft and slick and hot when she brushed it with her fingertips.

It was also bigger than anything she’d ever seen on any human male—even in porn. When it was fully out of its furry sheath, Em was amazed at its size and girth. But size wasn’t the only unusual thing about Rarev’s equipment.

The head of it was rounded like a human’s but the shaft itself seemed to be covered in concentric rows of short, white hairs. There were also ridges on the top and underside of his cock. And further down, nearly to the base, was a thick knot.

“My! It’s not like a human man’s—you were certainly right about that,” Em said faintly.

“Ask me anything you want,” Rarev offered her. “I know it must seem strange and unfamiliar to you.”

It was indeed, strange and unfamiliar. But since he seemed willing to be forthcoming, Em certainly did have some questions.

“Er…what’s that?” she asked, pointing to the swelling at the base of his shaft.

“That is my Mating Knot,” Rarev purred. “When I am thrust as deeply as possibly in a female’s pussy, it will swell to fill her and tie the two of us together for hours.”

“It will?” Em asked. “Are we going to be, er, stuck together for hours, then?”

He shook his head.

“No—because I won’t put my Knot in you.”

“You won’t?” Em asked. “Well, I don’t see how you could, anyway,” she said, before he could answer. “There’s no way it would fit.”

In fact, she was rather wondering how any of the massive shaft was going to fit inside her. It had been years since she’d had sex and she wasn’t exactly big enough to accommodate his girth.

“Don’t worry about that, my l’eeja,” Rarev purred. “The compounds in my pre-seed will help you to open for me. Do you want to know anything else?” he asked courteously.

“Yes, actually. What…what are those little stiff, short hairs?” Em asked, pointing to the concentric circles of white hairs between the broad head and the bulbous knot.

“Ah. Those are my barbs,” Rarev admitted.

“I’m sorry…your barbs?” Em asked blankly. “Are you serious?”

“I am—but you don’t need to worry about them,” Rarev told her. “They wouldn’t activate unless I knotted you, sweetheart—and we’ve already established I won’t do that. And unless I knot you, the barbs will lie down flat against my shaft and you won’t be pierced by them at all.”

Em wasn’t at all sure about this.

“But I don’t see how the knot has to do with the, er barbs,” she said, frowning.

“As long as I withhold my Mating Knot, my body won’t try to bond you to me,” Rarev explained patiently. “Now, if I were to fill your pussy with my knot, that would activate the barbs or spines as we Feline Monstrum sometimes call them. Once activated, they would prick your flesh and inject my Bonding Fluid at the same time I released my seed into your womb. That would form a soul-bond between us—which is what I have sworn not to do,” he added, frowning.

“Ah yes, your oath.” Em nodded. “I know you don’t want to break it.”

“I am honor bound not to,” he said, frowning. He cupped her cheek. “Though I want to, my l’eeja—I want it more than I can say.”

“We…we haven’t known each other that long,” Em said breathlessly.

“That doesn’t matter—we both know this is right. You feel the attraction and desire between us as I do—I can smell it in your scent,” he growled softly. Searching her eyes with his own he purred, “If it were not for my vow and your career as a public servant to the people of Earth, I would bond you to me in a heartbeat, sweetheart. I want you so badly I ache inside.”

“Oh, Rarev…” Em stroked a hand over his wild, golden mane, her heart hammering in her chest. But they couldn’t let feelings interfere—they still had a show to put on. “Are…are you certain you can, er, fuck me without bonding me to you then?” She asked. “And without activating your barbs?” she added. “Because those look rather painful.”

“They aren’t though,” Rarev told her. “In fact, the Bonding Fluid they inject causes instant, intense pleasure. Try it—rub along my shaft with your finger.”

Biting her lip, Em reached between his legs again and stroked one fingertip over the little white hairs. When she stroked towards his body, they lay down flat against his shaft and she didn’t feel anything except the bumps and ridges which she had heard the tabloids call “pleasure bumps.”

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