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Loved by the Lion: Kindred Tales

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“That is because it is an option I refuse to consider.” Rarev’s deep voice held the hint of a growl. “I must step down.”

“No,” Em insisted.

She was getting better at seeing into him now. It was as though the bond between them was a doorway into another world—the world of the Monstrum Commander’s mind, she realized. She had stepped through it and now she was able to see clearly what he thought.

“I see it now!” she exclaimed triumphantly. “You think you can go to your priestess—Grandmother Tigris—and get our bond dissolved. You think it might be possible while the bond is still fresh and new, because it’s fragile at this stage.”

Rarev frowned.

“I refuse to do that to you, Emilia. I had the pleasure of bonding you to me, I must also accept the responsibility that comes with that bonding.”

“Well I refuse to accept the responsibility of making you step down in disgrace,” Em exclaimed. “You must get the bond dissolved so that you can keep serving your people and I can keep serving mine!”

Just saying the words hurt her. Already the bond felt like a part of her heart—losing it would be like ripping a chunk of her soul out. But she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt it was the right thing to do. She couldn’t be the cause of Rarev losing his leadership of the Monstrum.

Also, she knew the horrid, nasty things the tabloids back home would print if they caught wind of her bond with the huge warrior. They would accuse her of being a dirty politician—of working against the interests of the Earth. She would never hear the end of it…

“I can feel your pain at the idea of severing our bond, but I can also feel your certainty that it’s the right thing to do,” Rarev murmured. “Not just for me, but for yourself as well.”

Em shrugged helplessly.

“We knew it was never going to work,” she said, though she felt like crying as she said it. “We knew a long-term relationship between us was impossible. I just think—“

“That I should get the bond severed as soon as we get back home,” he finished for her. “Yes, I think so too—though I do not want to do it.”

“I don’t either,” Em whispered. She felt a tear trickling down her cheek and swiped it away with the back of her hand. “But I don’t see what else we can do.”

“I will have it dissolved by the priestess in our Sacred Grove,” Rarev said heavily. “You’re right, my l’ee…Emilia,” he corrected himself. “It must be done.”

Slow, hot tears slipped down her cheeks—too many to brush away—as she realized he was no longer going to call her by the name a Monstrum called his mate.

“I cannot,” Rarev sent through their link. “If I must lose you, I cannot keep thinking of you as my mate. It is…too painful.”

“It’s painful for me, too,” Em whispered, too upset to lie. And anyway, why should she even attempt to dissemble? He could feel her emotions and would know if she wasn’t telling the truth.

“That’s another thing,” Rarev said out loud. “We should…probably stop using our link to each other. Every time we communicate mentally, we strengthen the bond, which will make it that much more painful when it is finally severed.”

“All…all right.” Em brushed away more tears. She didn’t know why she was so upset—they had only had the mental link in place for a few minutes. But already it felt like an integral part of her.

Must stop using it, though, she told herself grimly. She mustn’t walk through that door again—the one that led to Rarev’s heart. She must keep to herself and not trespass. She—

“Well, well—a most impressive performance, I must say.”

It was the Director of Mining’s voice and Em looked up to see him and the other four Rigellen miners standing there, looking at herself and Rarev through the side of the crystal dome.

“Oh, er…” Suddenly realizing she was naked, Em scrambled to pull back on her wrap dress, which Rarev had removed at the beginning of their sexual “display.”

“If you’re ready, we’d like to open your Trial vessel and give you our decision,” the Director said.

“Of course. Please do,” Rarev stepped in front of Em, considerately shielding her while she got her dress back in place and tied the sash around her waist.

“Well, I must say, this has been the most difficult choice we’ve ever had to make,” the Mining Director said. The outside lights had been raised again so he and the other Rigellen judges were perfectly visible. “Both couples showed amazing sexual stamina and passion and we happen to feel that either one of your peoples would make excellent trading partners for us.”

Em wasn’t sure if she liked where this was going. Straightening her dress, she stepped to Rarev’s side.

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