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Loved by the Lion: Kindred Tales

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“No, they won’t,” Kat said firmly. “You don’t look anything like those movie stars who get their faces too tight and their lips all puffy. You just look like you somehow turned back time to your early thirties—except for your silver hair, which is gorgeous, by the way.”

Em shook her head.

“This may look good now, but it won’t last. I’m sure it will fade once Rarev breaks our bond.”

The thought took away some of her wonder at the transformation she’d undergone and she felt as though a boulder was lying on her heart.

“Oh now, doll—that might not happen,” Kat protested, looking distraught. “Maybe he’ll change his mind.”

Em sighed.

“No, I’m afraid he won’t—he’s honor bound to keep his vow and now he feels he has to pay for breaking it. He’s probably going to his priestess on the Monstrum Mother Ship to get our bond dissolved right now.”

As a matter of fact, she was right.


Rarev’s steps were heavy as he made his way down the long corridors of the Monstrum Mother Ship towards the Sacred Grove. He had stopped first at the other Kindred Mother Ship, delaying as long as he could in order to give Commander Sylvan the news of their success. He had left Emilia there as well, since she wanted to speak further to Sylvan about how they would handle the public relations part of the story.

Rarev had left them discussing the press conference they would call later on to explain to the human media what had happened. Emilia had barely even looked up when he had made his goodbyes. But her calm outer façade was all a show. He could feel her pain through the bond between them—the bond that he was soon to end before it had barely begun.

The corridors of the Monstrum Mother Ship were very like the other Kindred Mother Ship, except for the fact that they were made with a bronze alloy which made them appear like burnished gold rather than silver. Rarev could see the blurred reflection of his own form as he walked towards the center of the ship, where the Sacred Grove was. He looked slumped and sad, he thought—not at all like a commander who had brought back the mineral they needed so desperately to protect the Earth.

Rarev made an effort to straighten his shoulders and lift his chin. He greeted underlings who passed him by, trying to nod genially and not let anyone see there was something wrong with him. But his heart was incredibly heavy as he passed through the gleaming golden doors which led into the Sacred Grove.

The green lands at the center of the Monstrum Mother ship were much larger—and wilder—than those of the other Kindred ship. And instead of being a neatly clipped park area with gently rolling hills, it was more of a jungle filled with old growth trees, vines, and flowers blooming in many colors. Indeed, one who didn’t know their way might well get lost in the profusion of greenery.

Rarev, however, knew his way. He took off his clothing and his boots—it was not allowed inside the Sacred area—and made his way through the jungle to the very center of the glade.

There he found a statue of the Kindred Goddess, standing tall, a benevolent expression on her face. In his universe, the Goddess had always appeared as a Monstrum—sometimes a Tigris, sometimes a Lionus, sometimes she even appeared as a Lupine, though that branch of the Monstrum family was generally considered irredeemable by the others of his kind.

This statue of the Goddess had the head of a Tigris—it had been chosen in deference to the one priestess who still served her. The ancient female—whom they all called “Grandmother Tigris”—was well over one hundred cycles old. She lived alone in the Sacred Grove and only came out when a warrior needed her help.

Well, I need her help now, Rarev thought grimly. But she’s not going to like it when she hears the reason why.

He could just imagine the ancient priestess’s disappointment in him and it made him cringe to think of it. For years, ever since both his parents had died, Grandmother Tigris had acted as his mentor. She had helped him with many difficult questions when he had first ascended to the leadership of the Monstrum and he still relied on her advice and wisdom in tricky situations.

Now he had to ask her to either dissolve the bond between himself and Emilia, or accept his resignation and choose a new leader for the Monstrum to follow. Rarev winced at the thought, but it must be done and he didn’t want to put it off any longer.

“Grandmother Tigris?” he called, scanning the area around the golden statue, which was wreathed with flowering vines. “Grandmother, please—I have need of your wisdom.”

After a moment there was a rustling in the dense covering of vines and leaves and he saw two faded blue eyes looking out at him. Grandmother Tigris was a rare albino Monstrum with pure white fur striped in black. The black was faded to gray now, but as she stepped out from between the trees and bushes, her bearing was still erect and her gaze was clear.

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