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Loved by the Lion: Kindred Tales

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“I couldn’t stay away from you, my l’eeja,” he purred through their link. Then he turned to face the press.

“Listen to me, all of you!” he roared. His voice seemed to shake the air around them, which had the effect of finally getting the reporters to shut up. They stared at the big Monstrum in uncertainty and doubt.

“Thank you,” Rarev said, in a quieter voice. “Here is what happened—a few days ago, I came to tell Minister Oxley that the Monstrum Kindred had a shortage of Yillium—an important mineral which we used to fight the Darklings when we protect your planet.”

Em saw heads nodding and people murmuring to each other in agreement. She was glad that Rarev was stating things so clearly—and that people were listening for once!

“At the time,” Rarev continued, “There was a mob outside her house. I took her away with me to keep her safe and while we were in space, the Darklings attacked yet again and my people, the Monstrum, used the last of our Yillium to repel the attack. After it was over, we had no more left.”

“Then what—” one reporter began, but Rarev gave him a hard glare.

“In a moment, I’ll take questions,” he said and there was a low growl in his voice. “But first, please have the courtesy to let me finish. So, as I said, we were out of Yillium, but I knew where we could get more—on Rigellen Five. Unfortunately, the planet is occupied and the inhabitants do not give up their natural resources easily. In fact, every ten cycles they hold Trials to see who will get the Mineral Rights to their planet. Minister Oxley and I had no choice but to enter these Trials in our efforts to secure more Yillium to protect the Earth.”

There was some murmuring as the reporters recorded all this, but for once they didn’t shout out any questions, allowing the Monstrum Commander to continue.

“It was during these Trials, that I fell in love with Minister Oxley—with Emilia,” he continued. “And it was there—as we were securing a contract with the Rigellens so that we could continue to protect the Earth—that I bonded her to me. I have tied her to me in the traditional Kindred way. But today, I want to tie her to me in the human way as well.”

Taking Em’s hands, he got down on one knee before her and pulled a small velvet box out of one pocket. Opening it, he displayed a gorgeous diamond ring.

“Emilia Oxley, you are the bravest, the most beautiful, and the wisest female I know,” he rumbled, looking up at her. “Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

Em felt as though the world was spinning around her. She’d spent her last twenty years in the public eye, but nothing like this had ever happened to her before.

“Oh…oh, Rarev,” she whispered, blinking back tears. “I…I don’t know what to say.”

“Say yes, my l’eeja,” he purred, his eyes glowing gold with love and desire. “Emilia Oxley, I love you—please say you’ll spend your life with me forever.”

Em felt like the world was spinning again—but this time in a good way. Suddenly, tears were running down her cheeks as she looked at the big Monstrum.

“Yes,” she whispered. And then, louder, “Yes! Yes, Rarev—I will marry you and yes, I’ll spend my life with you.”

Rarev slipped the ring on her finger and she flung her arms around his neck and kissed him, not caring who saw them. Let the Press and the tabloids make of it what they may—she didn’t care anymore. She just wanted to be with Rarev for the rest of her life!

“Look—the Iron Lady is crying!” someone shouted. “It’s a Christmas miracle!”

“She’s crying because she’s found true love, hasn’t she?” someone else replied.

“True love with a Monstrum—he melted her heart of ice.”

“And regenerated her into the bargain,” someone replied.

It was all foolishness, but Em didn’t care what they said. She didn’t care about anything but the fact that she and Rarev were going to be together and that she would forever be…Loved by the Lion.


“So I take it the Press didn’t turn against you like you feared?” Commander Sylvan lifted his eyebrows at Em and Rarev.

“No, as a matter of fact, they’ve spun it into a kind of fairytale,” Em said. She could hardly believe it herself. “Older woman with a heart of stone gets swept off her feet by a dashing younger man—who just happens to be a sexy beast—and they live happily ever after.” She cast a sly grin at Rarev, who returned her smile with a squeeze, pulling her closer to his side.

“The human Press seems much less against the Monstrum now,” he purred. “In fact, my warriors are calling brides and—aside for a few angry human males—no one is making what Emilia calls a ‘fuss’ about it.”

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