Saving Dallas (Saving Dallas 1)
Lucas Carmical had captured my heart too and I wanted him to know it. I wanted everyone to know it. *I love the flowers. I love the poetry. I love that you are thinking of me. I love your motorcycle. I love your club. I love the fact that you want me to be a part of your life. But more than flowers and motorcycles and clubs and friends and poetry- I love you.*
I quickly sent the message before I chickened out and laid my phone on my desk. Less than one minute later it vibrated notifying me of a message. I fumbled with it, dropping it twice on the floor before my shaky hands could grasp it tightly and read the message waiting for me. *I can’t wait to hear you say those words to Me.* that’s it? He wasn’t going to say it back? Sure, he had said that I captured his heart, but I thought he would tell me he loved me. Lindsey walked in, saw my face, and immediately asked what was wrong. I quickly told her the whole story.
“Maybe he wants to tell you in person,” she said smiling.
“You think?” I asked hopeful. She shrugged.
“Maybe. Your one o’clock is here a little early. You want me to send them in?”
I needed the distraction. “Yes. That would be great,” I said, busying myself with the paperwork on my desk. Lindsey retreated and I put Luke out of my mind to mentally prepare myself for my next meeting. I couldn’t dwell on him. I had business to attend to and the last thing I needed was his distraction. When the door opened I stood to shake hands with Mrs. Griffith, but instead found myself staring at Luke. I was like a deer in the headlights. No wonder I loved him. Who wouldn’t? He was everything I could have ever imagined.
In the doorway, he stood tall, breathtakingly gorgeous, and all man. His jeans were faded and worn. His solid white t-shirt was loose in the waist but tight around his arms and chest. His leather vest was unbuttoned and the gray and orange patches he wore stood out against the blackness behind them. His signature smirk was on his face and his eyes seemed to light up the whole room. Today was the first time I had ever seen him in a hat. It was black and turned backwards with the letters DFFD monogrammed in orange on it. This was my Luke; my boyfriend, my lover, my everything. He stepped in and closed the door behind him. I could see Lindsey and Terri, my part time file clerk, staring open mouthed into the room.
“Tell me,” he said, staring at me with a darkened stare. I felt my temperature rising and the hair on the back of my neck standing up. How did he have this effect on me?
“Tell you what?” I asked, more breathy than I had intended. His eyebrows shot up and a surprised look crossed his face.
“Forgotten already? Or did the flowers just inspire you to say something you didn’t really mean?” So, this was the game he wanted to play. He wanted me to tell him. Well, he was going to get his wish. I was going to tell him the truth. I did love him and if he refused to say it in return, well that was a risk I was willing to take.
Shit. What was happening to me? Before I could open my mouth, he was standing right in front of me. His hands found my face and he tilted my head back to trail kisses down my neck. “I want to hear you say it baby.” I was breathing heavy. My body was on fire, and so was my heart. I had never wanted to give a confession as much as I wanted to give this one.
“I love you Luke. I think I loved you from the first time I laid eyes on you. No one has ever made me feel the way that you do.” His continuous kisses across my neck and throat were pure torture. God, I loved this man. When I was in his arms, whether it was in a bar, or a bed or my office, I felt like it was the safest place in the world. He was my universe. His eyes met mine and I knew in that moment that whether he said it or not, he loved me. Love for me consumed him. His eyes told the story. They were filled with love and passion and need, just for me. I was cherished by this man. He kissed me hard. The need to touch me evident in the way he held me and the movement of his tongue. Every nerve in my body tingled and my stomach was full of butterflies. Would it always be like this? Yes, it would. There was no way I could ever tire of this man or his touch.