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Naked in Death (In Death 1)

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“He’ll be brought to trial, and he’ll be convicted. Killing me won’t stop it.”

“No, but it will destroy your case against him—posthumously on both parts. You see, when I left him less than two hours ago, Senator DeBlass was in his office in East Washington. I stood by him as he chose a four fifty-seven Magnum, a very powerful gun. And I watched as he put the barrel into his mouth, and died like a patriot.”

“Christ.” It jolted her, the image of it. “Suicide.”

“The warrior falling on his sword.” Admiration shone in Rockman’s voice. “I told him it was the only way, and he agreed. He would never have been able to tolerate the humiliation. When his body is found, when yours is found, the senator’s reputation will be intact once again. It will be proven that he was dead hours before you. He couldn’t have killed you, and as the method will be exactly as the other murders, and as there will be two more, as promised, the evidence against him will cease to matter. He’ll be mourned. I’ll lead the charge of fury and insult—and step into his bloody shoes.”

“This isn’t about politics. Goddamn you.” She rose then, braced for the blow. She was grateful he didn’t use the gun, but the back of his hand to knock her back. She turned with it, fell heavily onto the night table. The glass she’d left there shattered to the floor.

“Get up.”

She moaned a little. Indeed, the flash of pain had her cheek singing and her vision blurred. She pushed herself up, turned, careful to keep her body in front of the ’link she’d switched on manually.

“What good is it going to do to kill me, Rockman?”

“It will do me a great deal of good. You were the spearhead of the investigation. You’re sexually involved with a man who was an early suspect. Your reputation, and your motives will come under close scrutiny after your death. It’s always a mistake to give a woman authority.”

She wiped the blood from her mouth. “Don’t like women, Rockman?”

“They have their uses, but under it all, they’re whores. Perhaps you didn’t sell your body to Roarke, but he bought you. Your murder won’t really break the pattern I’ve established.”

“You’ve established?”

“Did you really believe DeBlass was capable of planning out and executing such a meticulous series of murders?” He waited until he saw that she understood. “Yes, he killed Sharon. An impulse. I wasn’t even aware he was considering it. He panicked afterward.”

“You were there. You were with him the night he killed Sharon.”

“I was waiting for him in the car. I always accompanied him on his trysts with her. Driving him so that only I, who he trusted, would be involved.”

“His own granddaughter.” Eve didn’t dare turn to be certain she was transmitting. “Didn’t it disgust you?”

“She disgusted me, lieutenant. She used his weakness. Every man’s entitled to one, but she used it, exploited it, then threatened him. After she was dead, I realized it was for the best. She would have waited until he was president, then twisted the knife.”

“So you helped him cover it up.”

“Of course.” Rockman lifted his shoulders. “I’m glad we have this opportunity. It was frustrating for me not to be able to take credit. I’m delighted to share it with you.”

Ego, she remembered. Not just intelligence, but ego and vanity. “You had to think fast,” she commented. “And you did. Fast and brilliantly.”

“Yes.” His smile spread. “He called me on the car ’link, told me to come up quickly. He was half mad with fear. If I hadn’t calmed him, she might have succeeded in ruining him.”

“You can blame her?”

“She was a whore. A dead whore.” He shrugged it off, but held the gun steady. “I gave the senator a sedative, and I cleaned up the mess. As I explained to him, it was necessary to make Sharon only part of the whole. To use her failings, her pathetic choice of profession. It was a simple matter to doctor the security discs. The senator’s penchant for recording his sexual activities gave me the idea to use that as part of the pattern.”

“Yes,” she said through numbed lips. “That was clever.”

“I wiped the place down, wiped the gun. Since he’d been sensible enough not to use one that was registered, I left it behind. Again, establishing pattern.”

“So you used it,” Eve said quietly. “Used him, used Sharon.”

“Only fools waste opportunities. He was more himself once we were away,” Rockman mused. “I was able to outline the rest of my plan. Using Simpson to apply pressure, leak information. It was unfortunate that the senator didn’t remember until later to tell me about Sharon’s diaries. I had to risk going back. But, as we know now, she was clever enough to hide them well.”

“You killed Lola Starr and Georgie Castle. You killed them to cover up the first murder.”

“Yes. But unlike the senator, I enjoyed it. From beginning to end. It was a simple matter to select them, choose names, locations.”

It was a little difficult at the moment to enjoy the fact that she’d been right, and her computer wrong. Two killers after all. “You didn’t know them? You didn’t even know them?”

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