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Glory in Death (In Death 2)

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chapter four

The Blue Squirrel was one teetering step up from the Five Moons. Eve had a cautious affection for it. There were times she even enjoyed the noise, the press of bodies, and the ever-changing costumes of the clientele. Most of the time she enjoyed the stage show.

The featured singer was one of the rare people Eve considered a genuine friend. The friendship might have had its roots in Eve’s arrest of Mavis Freestone several years earlier, but it had flowered, nonetheless. Mavis might have gone straight, but she would never go ordinary.

Tonight, the slim, exuberant woman was screeching out her lyrics against the scream of trumpets, the brass waved by a three-piece female band on the holoscreen backdrop. That, and the quality of the single wine Eve had risked were enough to make her eyes water.

For tonight’s show, Mavis’s hair was a stunning emerald green. Eve knew Mavis preferred jewel colors. She continued the theme with the single swatch of glistening sapphire material she had somehow draped over herself to cover one generous breast and her crotch. Her other breast was decorated with shimmering stones, with a strategically placed silver star over the nipple.

One misplaced stud or swatch, and the Blue Squirrel could be fined for exceeding its license. The proprietors weren’t willing to pay the hefty fee for nude class.

When Mavis whirled, Eve saw that the singer’s heart-shaped butt was similarly decorated on each slim cheek. Just, she mused, within the limits of the law.

The crowd loved her. When she stepped from the stage after her set, it was to thunderous applause and drunken cheers.

Patrons in the private smoking booths thumped fists enthusiastically on their tiny tables.

“How do you sit down in that?” Eve asked when Mavis arrived at her booth.

“Slowly, carefully, and with great discomfort.” Mavis demonstrated, then let out a sigh. “What’d you think of the last number?”

“A real crowd pleaser.”

“I wrote it.”

“No shit?” Eve hadn’t understood a single word, but pride swelled, nonetheless. “That’s great, Mavis. I’m awed.”

“I might have a shot at a recording contract.” Beneath the glitter on her face, Mavis’s cheeks flushed. “And I got a raise.”

“Well, here’s to it.” In toast, Eve lifted her glass.

“I didn’t know you were coming in tonight.” Mavis punched her code into the menu and ordered bubble water. She had to baby her throat for the next set.

“I’m meeting someone.”

“Roarke?” Mavis’s eyes, currently green, shone. “Is he coming? I’ll have to do that last number again.”

“He’s in Australia. I’m meeting Nadine Furst.”

Mavis’s disappointment at the opportunity to impress Roarke shifted quickly to surprise. “You’re meeting a reporter? On purpose?”

“I can trust her.” Eve lifted a shoulder. “I can use her.”

“If you say so. Hey, you think maybe she’d do a piece on me?”

Not for worlds would Eve have extinguished the light in Mavis’s eyes. “I’ll mention it.”

“Decent. Listen, tomorrow’s my night off. Want to catch some dinner or hang someplace?”

“If I can manage it. But I thought you were seeing that performance artist—the one with the pet monkey.”

“Flicked him off.” Mavis illustrated by brushing a finger over her bare shoulder. “He was just too static. Gotta go.” She slid out of the booth, her butt decor making little scraping sounds. Her emerald hair gleamed in the swirling lights as she edged through the crowd.

Eve decided she didn’t want to know what Mavis considered too static.

When her communicator hummed, Eve pulled it out and punched in her code. Roarke’s face filled the miniscreen. Her first reaction, unbidden, was a huge, delighted smile.

“Lieutenant, I’ve tracked you down.”

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