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Immortal in Death (In Death 3)

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‘It could come back to me. But you were saying?’

‘Is there any exceptionally beautiful woman you haven’t slept with?’

‘I’ll make you a list. So, you knocked her down.’

‘Yeah.’ Eve regretted now pulling her punch. ‘She’s squealing and whining, then Mavis comes in and Pandora goes for her. The two of them are pulling hair and scratching; Leonardo’s wringing his hands.’

Roarke tugged her down on top of him. ‘You lead such an interesting life.’

‘The upshot is, Pandora threatens Leonardo: he ditches Mavis for her or she’s going to wreck this fashion show he’s counting on. Apparently he’s sunk everything into it, borrowed from spine crackers, too. She blackballs the show, he’s ruined.’

‘Sounds just like her.’

‘After Pandora leaves, Mavis—’

‘Were you still naked?’

‘I was getting dressed. Mavis decides to make the supreme sacrifice. It was all pretty dramatic stuff. Leonardo declares his love, she starts crying and runs out. Jesus, Roarke, I felt like some pervert with surveillance goggles. I got Mavis settled in my old apartment, at least for the night. She doesn’t have to be in to the club until tomorrow.’

‘Stay tuned,’ he murmured and smiled at her blank look. ‘The old daytime dramas. Always end on a cliff-hanger. What is our hero going to do?’

‘Some hero,’ Eve muttered. ‘Damn it, I like him, even if he is a pussy. What he’d like to do is bash Pandora’s head in, but he’ll probably cave. Which is why I thought we could put Mavis up here for a few days if she needs it.’



‘It is, as you’ve often pointed out, a big house. I’m fond of Mavis.’

‘I know.’ She gave him one of her quick, rare smiles. ‘Thanks. So, how was your day?’

‘I bought a small planet. I’m joking,’ he said when her mouth fell open. ‘I did, however, complete negotiations for a farming commune on Taurus Five.’


‘People have to eat. With a bit of restructuring, the commune should be able to provide grain to the manufacturing colonies of Mars, where I have a sizable investment. So, one hand washes the other.’

‘I guess. Now about Pandora . . .’

He rolled her over and tugged the shirt he’d already unbuttoned off her shoulders.

‘You’re not distracting me,’ she told him. ‘Just how brief is brief in this case?’

He gave what passed for a shrug and nibbled his way from her mouth to her throat.

‘Is it like a night, a week . . .’ Her body flashed hot when he closed his mouth over her br

east. ‘A month - Okay, now you’re distracting me.’

‘I can do better,’ he promised. And did.

Visiting the morgue was a lousy way to start the day. Eve strode down the silent, white tiled halls trying not to be annoyed that she’d been called in to view a body at six A.M.

Worse, it was a floater.

She paused at a doorway, holding her badge up for the security camera, and waited for her ID number to be accessed and approved.

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