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Betrayal in Death (In Death 12)

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u were carrying an illegal weapon?”

“The grocer. Otherwise, I told the beat droid Yost had the stunner, and had attempted to attack me with it and hit the unfortunate man from Utah instead. I did, however, give the man’s wife my card so that all medical expenses could be sent to me. It was the least I could do.”

“The least you could have done was let me and my men do our jobs. If you hadn’t ditched the tag, we might have nabbed him when he went for you.”

“Perhaps,” Summerset said evenly, “if you had been courteous enough to discuss your plans that involved me with me, rather than sneak behind my back, I might have cooperated.”

“My ass.”

“Quite correct, but we never explored the possibility. As it is, I managed to defend myself quite satisfactorily, made him extremely uncomfortable. It cost me some minor embarrassment and ten dollars’ worth of overpriced grapes.”

“You think this is a joke? Is this a fucking joke?”

His jaw tightened. “No, Lieutenant, I don’t. If I found it even marginally amusing, I would not be in a police station. But I am here, voluntarily, and have given you a statement in the hopes this information may in some way assist you in your investigation.”

“You can assist me in my investigation by sitting your tight ass down until I arrange for a black-and-white to take you home.”

“I will not ride in a police vehicle.”

“You damn well will. You’re a known target. I’ve got enough to worry about without having you dance around the city with a bull’s-eye on your butt. From this moment on, you’ll do exactly what I tell you, or I’ll—”

She broke off as her door opened and Roarke came in.

“Oh yeah, come right in, don’t bother to knock. It’s old home week.”

“Eve” was all he said, brushing a hand over her arm. But his eyes were riveted to Summerset’s face. “Are you all right?”

“Yes, of course.” Should have known, Summerset thought with a vicious tug of guilt. He should have known Roarke would learn of the incident almost before it was over. “I’ve just given the lieutenant my statement of the events. I intended to contact you when I returned home.”

“Did you?” Roarke murmured. “One of the MTs called to the scene recognized you when you checked on an injured man. He managed to pass the word up to me before you did.”

“I’m sorry. I had hoped to reassure you that there was no harm done. As you can see, I was unhurt.”

“Do you think I’m going to tolerate this?” Roarke spoke softly, in a tone that warned Eve the teeth of temper were ready to snap and bite.

“There’s nothing to tolerate. It’s done and over.”

Her eyebrows went up. It was the voice of a patient father chastising a son. Her gaze cut to Roarke, saw the temper shimmer.

“All right, over and done. I’ve made arrangements for you to have a holiday. You have the next two weeks off. I suggest you use the chalet in Switzerland. It’s one of your favorites.”

“It’s not convenient for me to holiday at the moment. Thank you all the same.”

“Pack what you need. Your transpo will be ready in two hours.”

“I’m not leaving.”

“I want you out of the city, and now. If the chalet doesn’t suit you, go where you like. But you will go.”

“I have no intention of going anywhere.”

“Fuck it. You’re fired.”

“Very well. I will remove my belongings and book a hotel until—”

“Oh, shut up. Both of you shut the hell up.” She fisted her hands in her hair, yanked fiercely. “Just my luck, you finally say the words I’ve been waiting over a year to hear and I can’t do my happy dance. You expect him to put his tail between his skinny legs and hide?” she demanded of Roarke. “You think when you’re in the middle of this kind of mess he’s just going to bop over to Switzerland and yodel, or whatever the hell they do there?”

“You of all people should understand why it’s necessary to remove him from immediate danger. Yost missed. He’ll be angry, his pride in his work will be damaged. He’ll come in again, and harder.”

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