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Reunion in Death (In Death 14)

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"Peabody. You stood for Marsha Stibbs in that interview. You did a good job for her."

Peabody's face cleared, and so did her lingering doubts. "Thank you, Lieutenant."

"Go home, snazz yourself up for this fancy deal you've got going tonight."

"It's not end of shift."

"I'm springing you an hour early and you want to argue about it?"

"No, sir!" Peabody pulled a yellow daisy out of her bunch, offered it.

"You passing on stolen property, Officer?" Amused, Eve twirled it, then turned to her beeping interoffice 'link. "Hold on. Dallas."

"Lieutenant." Whitney's face filled the screen. "I want you and your team in my office. Fifteen minutes."

"Yes, sir. Sorry, Peabody." Eve pushed to her feet. "Want your flower back?"

* * *

Fifteen minutes didn't give Eve enough time to finish compiling and analyzing all the data to support her hunch on Julianna's personal holiday. Instead she worked out an oral pitch in her head to pursue that hunch on the way to Whitney's office.

The pitch stalled when she walked in and saw Roarke.

He sat in one of the chairs facing the commander's desk, apparently very much at home. Their gazes met, locked, and she knew instantly that whatever was going on she wasn't going to like it.

"Lieutenant." Whitney gave a quick come-ahead signal. "Officer Peabody, I'm told you closed a homicide case this afternoon, with a full confession in Interview."

"Yes, sir. The Marsha Stibbs matter."

"Good job."

"Thank you, Commander. Actually, Lieutenant Dallas—"

"Had complete confidence in Officer Peabody's ability to investigate and close this case," Eve interrupted. "That confidence was justified. Officer Peabody pursued this investigation primarily on her own time while continuing to serve as my aide and as part of the investigative team formed in the Julianna Dunne homicides. A commendation regarding this matter has been added to Officer Peabody's file."

"Well done," Whitney said while Peabody stood speechless. "Come," he called out at the knock on his door. "Captain, Detective." He nodded at Feeney and McNab.

"Nice work." Feeney gave Peabody a wink and a little arm punch as he joined them. "Roarke." He dipped his hands in his pockets, gave his bag of nuts a little rattle. Something was up, he thought, and it was bound to be interesting.

"Julianna Dunne." Whitney began with the name, pausing on it as he scanned the faces of his officers. "She has committed three homicides in this city. A fourth in another—though Denver Police and Security is ... reluctant to confirm that at this time." His lips curved, a sharp, knowing smile as he looked at Eve. "She is also responsible for seriously injuring an officer."


He cut off Eve's protest with one narrowed stare. "It's fortunate you recover quickly, Lieutenant. However, these are the facts, facts that the media are actively broadcasting. Facts that this department must respond to. Two of the victims were prominent men, with prominent connections. The families of Walter Pettibone and Henry Mouton have contacted this office, and the office of Chief of Police Tibble, demanding justice. Demanding answers."

"They'll get justice, Commander. My team is actively, doggedly, pursuing all leads. An updated progress report will be in your hands by end of shift."

"Lieutenant." Whitney eased back in his chair. "Your investigation is stalled."

"The investigation is multipronged." Eve swallowed the outrage that burned into her throat. "And with respect, Commander, is not stalled but rather complex and layered. Justice isn't always served swiftly."

"She'd been kept where she belonged, there wouldn't be an investigation." Feeney's anger snapped out. "We put her away once, and now because a bunch of morons and bleeding hearts open the cage door, we've got to put her away again. That's a damn fact. It was Dallas who pinned her then, and maybe the media, this office, and the office of the damn chief should remember that."

When Eve put a hand on his arm, he shook her off. "Don't tell me to calm down," he shot out, though she hadn't said a word.

"I'm fully aware of the history in this matter." Whitney's voice stayed level. "And so is Chief Tibble. And the media, I can promise you, will be reminded of it. But it's today we have to deal with. Julianna Dunne remains at large, and that's a very big problem. She taunted you," he said to Eve. "And the opinion is she'll continue to do so. Would you agree, Lieutenant, that Dunne selected New York as her primary location as payback? That her work here is a personal attack on you?"

"I would agree, Commander, that the subject harbors a grudge, and while her work is satisfying in and of itself to her, by killing here she gains the added benefit of involving me in combat."

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