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Divided in Death (In Death 18)

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“Tell me what happened here tonight.”

“I don’t know.” A tear dribbled down her cheek. “I don’t know what happened.”

“Was your husband sexually involved with Felicity?”

“I don’t understand it. I don’t understand. I thought he loved me.” Her eyes locked on Eve’s. “I didn’t believe it at first. How could I? Blair and Felicity. My husband and my friend. But then I could see it, could see all the signs I missed, all the clues, all the mistakes—those little mistakes they both made.”

“How long have you known?”

“Just tonight. Just tonight.” Her breath shuddered in and out as she used a balled fist to wipe at the tears on her cheeks. “He was supposed to be out of town until tomorrow. A client, a new commission. But he was here, with her. I came, and I saw . . .”

“You came here tonight to confront them?”

“I was so angry. They’d made a fool out of me, and I was so angry. They broke my heart, and I was so sad. Then they were dead. All that blood. All the blood.”

“Did you kill them, Reva?”

“No!” Her whole body jerked at the question. “No, no, no! I wanted to hurt them. I wanted them to pay. But I didn’t . . . I couldn’t have. I don’t know what happened.”

“Tell me what you do know.”

“I drove over. We have a house in Queens. Blair wanted a house, and he didn’t want to live in Manhattan where we both worked. Someplace private and away, that’s what he said. Someplace just ours.”

Her voice broke on the words so that she covered her face with her hands. “I’m sorry. It all seems impossible. It seems I’ll wake up any minute and none of this will have happened.”

There was some blood on her shirt. None on her hands, on her arms, her face. Eve noted it down among her observations and waited for Reva to compose herself and go on.

“I was furious, and I knew just what I wanted to do. I’d designed the security here, so I knew how to get in. I broke in.”

She dashed a tear off her cheek. “I didn’t want to give them time to prepare, so I broke in, and I went upstairs, to her bedroom.”

“Did you have a weapon?”

“No . . . Well, I had a stunner. My SS issue, reconfigured. It won’t go over minimum power, so I can carry it with a civilian license. I was . . .” She heaved a breath. “I was going to give him a jolt with it. On the balls.”

“And did you?”

“No.” She covered her face with her hands. “I can’t remember clearly. It’s like this smear over my brain.”

“You tear up the leather jacket?”

“Yeah.” She sighed now. “I saw it hanging over the rail. I gave him that goddamn jacket, and seeing it just made me crazy. I took out my minidrill and went to work on it. Petty, I know it was petty, but I was so angry.”

“Doesn’t seem petty to me,” Eve said, keeping her tone mild and just a little sympathetic. “Husband’s cheating on you with your pal, you’d want to get some of your own back.”

“That’s the way I felt. Then I saw them in the bed, together. And I saw them—dead. The blood. I’ve never seen so much blood. She screamed—no, no, I screamed. I must’ve screamed.”

She rubbed a hand over her throat, as if she could still feel the sound ripping through it. “Then I passed out—I think. I smelled something. The blood, but something. Something else, and I passed out. I don’t know how long.”

She reached for the glass of water, drank deeply. “I woke up, and I felt fuzzy and sick and strange. Then I saw them, on the bed. I saw them again and I crawled out. I couldn’t seem to stand up, so I crawled out, to the bathroom and got sick. I called my mother. I don’t know why exactly. I should’ve called the police, but I called Mom. I wasn’t thinking straight.”

“Did you come here tonight with the intention of killing your husband and your friend?”

“No. I came here with the intention of pitching a royal fit. Lieutenant, I’m going to be sick again. I need to—”

She clutched her stomach, then sprang up and ran. Eve was on her heels when Reva flung open a door and dived into a powder room. Dropping to her knees, she was hideously ill.

“Burns,” she managed, and gratefully took the damp cloth Eve offered. “Burns my throat.”

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