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Origin in Death (In Death 21)

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"There are a lot of reasons, as I've just told you, why such data might be particularly protected."

Eve sat without invitation, kept her eyes level with Mira's. "He gave the patients labels rather than names. They were all female, all be­tween the ages of seventeen and twenty-two. There was little surgery of the type he's known for. They were all tested and graded in areas such as cognitive skills, language, artistic talents, physical prowess. De­pending on their progress and level, treatment-which was never clearly detailed-was either continued or terminated. If continued, it ended in what was termed 'placement,' at which time the file was ended. What does it mean?"

"I can't say."

"Best guess."

"Don't do this to me, Eve." Mira's voice trembled. "Please."

"Okay." Eve pushed to her feet. "Okay, I'm sorry."

Mira only shook her head. Eve stepped back out of the office, and left her alone.


n the way to Homicide, Eve pulled her 'link out of her pocket. It was still early, but as far as she was concerned, doctors and cops had no schedule. She had no problem waking Dr. Louise Dimatto.

Louise looked dewy, her gray eyes blurry with sleep, her blond hair tousled. She said. "Ugh."

"Got some questions. When can you meet me?"

"Morning off. Sleepy. Go far, far away."

"I'll come to you." Eve checked the time. "Thirty minutes."

"I hate you, Dallas."

The screen wavered a moment, then a handsome and sleepy male race joined Louise's. "So do I."

"Hey, Charles." Charles Monroe was a professional LC, and the other half of the couple who were Charles and Louise. "Thirty min­utes," she repeated, and ended the transmission before anyone could argue.

She backtracked, deciding it would be simpler to pick up Peabody at her home and head straight out. When Peabody came on screen her hair was wet and she had a towel clutched to her breasts.

"I'm picking you up in fifteen," Eve told her.

"Somebody dead?"

"No. I'll fill you in. Just-" McNab stepped out of what she saw now was the shower, and she thanked God the video cut off at his sternum. "In fifteen. And for the sake of all that's decent and holy, learn to block video."

Peabody managed to pull it together in fifteen, Eve noted with satisfaction. She came quickly out of the door hustling on those airskids she favored. Dark green today, to go with a green-and-white-striped jacket that fell just past her hips.

She jumped in the car, then her eyes went wide and glassy. "The coat! The coat!" Her hand shot out to rub leather, and Eve slapped it away.

"No touching the coat."

"Can I sniff it? Please, please? Please!"

"Nose one full inch from sleeve. One sniff."

Peabody complied, dramatically rolled her eyes. "Roarke got home early, right?"

"Maybe I bought it for myself."

"Yeah, right. Maybe little pink piggies fly on gossamer wings. Okay, if nobody else is dead, why are we on the clock early?"

"Need to consult a medical. It's touchy with Mira-personal rela­tionship with vic-so I've got Louise as backup. We're heading there.'

Out of her bag, Peabody dug lip dye. "Didn't have time to finish," she said when Eve slanted her a look. "And if we're going to see Louise and Charles?"

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