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Strangers in Death (In Death 26)

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“We’ll play Nurse Studly and Patient Sexy later. Now sit so I can doctor those scratches. Nasty cats like that have nasty germs.”

“She is pretty nasty.” Eve sat, tipped up her head. “I should’ve just knocked her back. If I get slapped for knocking her out, I’ve got it coming.”

“I don’t think so.”

“The instep was for Suzanne’s kids, the elbow in the gut was for me. The knockout, that was for Tommy Anders.”

As he cleaned and medicated the scratches, Roarke met her eyes. “She deserved each, and the rest you’ve seen to she’ll get. You strung it out quite a bit.”

“Yeah, that was indulgent. But I liked how she kept twisting herself up, changing her story. And all the tinglies were tough to resist. She’s good at planning, but she’s crappy at thinking on her feet. Makes it tougher for her lawyers when she gives so many conflicting statements in one interview. Plus, she’s not going to be able to afford a bunch of fat lawyers now.”


“She can’t use anything coming from the death of her spouse, as she’s charged with conspiring to murder same. That cuts it back. And if I can pin down the Hampton case, she’ll lose what she got from the father-in-law’s death. She’s going to have a lot less to spend on fancy lawyers. Anyway.”

“Anyway.” He leaned down, brushed his lips to hers. “You’re done.” He set the first-aid kit on her desk. “Any thoughts to going home?”

“Yeah, as soon as I contact Whitney and run it for him. And I figure I’ll give Nadine a heads-up. Maybe you can buy me a fat, juicy steak.”

“Maybe I could.”



It made her smile, but her eyes stayed serious on his. “What she said about me marrying for money?”

“You answered it, and quite well.”

“Yeah, but we know some people think that.”


“Some people think it sometimes, some people think they know it all the time. You and me, we know different.”

“We do, yes.” He drew her to her feet, and this time the kiss was long and deep and just a little dark. “We both know you married me for the sex.”

“Well, yeah, which is why I don’t mind if some people think it was the money, because that’s less personal. Thanks for the first aid.”

“I’d say anytime, but it so often is.”

She grinned, then sat down to contact her commander.

Roarke settled in her visitor’s chair. He took out his PPC and amused himself by checking the stock reports on Anders. He thought it might be quite fitting to buy up the shares formerly owed by Ava Anders.

And put them in Eve Dallas’s name.

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