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Fantasy in Death (In Death 30)

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She was on the small side, but with broad shoulders. Her hair was as short as Caesar’s and midnight black. Her almond eyes tracked the faces in the room, settled on Eve.

“You’re the officer in charge?”

“Lieutenant Dallas.”

“Doctor Pruit.”

“Please.” Var reached out a hand, dropped it again. “Is she okay? Is Cill okay?”

At Eve’s nod, the doctor sat across from the two men.

“She came through surgery. You’re family?”

“Yes,” Benny said before Var could speak. “We’re her family.”

“Her injuries are very severe.”

“But you fixed her,” Benny insisted.

“We put together a team of doctors and performed several surgeries. She suffered massive trauma to the head, which required extensive repair.”

Eve listened while Pruit explained the damage, the repair, the prognosis, and watched faces. But she’d already seen it—just that quick flash.

“I don’t understand what you’re saying.” Benny looked at Var. “Do you? What does it mean?”

“Cilla’s in a coma,” Pruit explained. “This isn’t unexpected, and it may give her body a chance to heal.”

“Or she won’t wake up at all,” Var said, bitterly. “That’s what you’re saying.”

“Yes. We’ve done everything we can do for her at this time, but we’ll be monitoring her very closely. She survived surgery, and you can take hope from that. But you must be prepared. She remains critical, and should she come out of the coma, there is a possibility of brain damage.”

“God. Oh God.”

“Don’t think about that.” Var closed a hand over Benny’s. “Not yet.”

“You may want to speak to the other surgeons who worked on her. I can give you the basics. Her internal injuries were also severe. One of her kidneys was damaged too critically to save. We replaced her spleen, and can, should she wake and elect it, replace the lost kidney. She will need further surgery on her leg. We were unable to complete repairs without endangering her life.”

Var took a ragged breath. “Are you telling us there’s no hope?”

“There’s always hope. Once she’s settled in ICU, you’ll be able to see her. Very briefly. You can rest assured that we’ll continue to do everything we can for her. She’ll get the very best of care.” Pruit rose. “If you have any more questions, someone will page me. Or you can speak to her other surgeons. Someone will come get you when she’s ready.”

Eve followed Pruit out. “Give me her chances. Straight.”

“Fifty-fifty is generous, but I’d have given her much less when she came into the OR. She has a strong constitution. She’s young, healthy. You had an officer in my OR.”

“That’s right, and I’ll have an officer in her room twenty-four /seven. Not just on the door. In the room. You’re doing all you can to see that she survives. So am I.”

“You’re concerned with security, and another attempt on her life?”

“Not as long as I have an officer in the room.”

“Fair enough. If she makes it through the next twenty-four hours, I’ll consider that fifty-fifty more solid. For now, we’ll go minute by minute.”

“I need to be notified immediately of any change in her condition, one way or the other.”

“I’ll see that ICU has those instructions.”

“I’d like a look at her before you let those two in.”

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