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Chaos in Death (In Death 33.50)

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“God. But when? How?”

“Shortly before one this morning, in Dr. Rosenthall’s lab.”

“In Justin’s lab? But I don’t . . .”

She closed her eyes a moment. “How can this be happening? They said we needed to come here—Justin and I. They took him somewhere else, wouldn’t let me stay with him. They just said I had to wait. It’s been more than an hour.”

“I’m sorry it’s taken so long. I’m going to be talking to Dr. Rosenthall shortly.”

“But what happened? My God, this is a nightmare. Eton murdered, and in Justin’s lab.”

“Do you know why Dr. Billingsly would have been in Dr. Rosenthall’s lab at that time of night?”

“No. No. He shouldn’t have been. He’s not involved in Justin’s work. The killer must have been after Justin. After Justin.” Arianna rubbed a hand between her breasts back and forth. “He was going to work late, stay in his office again last night, but I asked him not to. I asked him to come home with me, stay with me. I wanted him with me, and I was upset enough that he gave in.”

“You left the Center together?”

“Yes, about eleven thirty, I think. I had a fund-raiser, and called Justin from the car when I left.”

“Did anyone stay in the lab?”

“I don’t know. Justin met me out front. We were together all night. I swear it. You can’t believe Justin had anything to do with this. I know people talk about Eton being jealous of him.”

“Was he?”

“Yes, but Justin isn’t bothered by it. We—God, it seems cruel now—we’d joke about it sometimes. Can I see him now? Do we need a lawyer?”

“He’s not under arrest, but I need to ask him a few questions. If he wants a lawyer present he can have one. Peabody, why don’t you take Ms. Whitwood to the lounge? She can wait there while we talk to Dr. Rosenthall. It shouldn’t be long.”

As long as it takes, Eve thought as she headed toward the first interview room.

Justin straightened in his chair when Eve entered.

“So it’s true,” he said, “about Billingsly. He’s dead.”

“Yes. Record on, Dallas, Lieutenant Eve, in Interview with Dr. Justin Rosenthall on the matters of Darnell, Vix, and Bickford, case number H-45893, and Eton Billingsly, case number H-43898. I have to record this. Procedure.”

“I understand.”

“I’m also going to read you your rights.” As she did, Justin said nothing. “Do you understand your rights and obligations?”

“Yes. You think I killed them?”

She let the question hang a moment. He looked worn-out, she noted, as Arianna had.

“All the victims were connected to you and the Center. Billingsly was murdered in your lab.”

“In my lab?”

“Yes. There are questions that have to be asked, but first, I’d like a sample of your DNA.”

“My—all right, but it’s on file.”

“Just consider it a spot check.” She took out a swab.

When it was done, she went to the door, passed it off to the waiting uniform.

She sat at the table across from Justin. “What was Billingsly doing in your lab?”

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