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Celebrity in Death (In Death 34)

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“What do you remember?”

“Joel was planning a surprise for his wife, they’d just found out she was expecting their first child. He wanted to take a quick trip down to their villa in Mexico, check on the preparations. He just asked me to say, if asked, that he was with me and the consultant at our first meeting that evening. Which he was, actually, for the first couple hours. Then he had to leave for the flight. Is that what you mean?”

“Yeah, that clears it up, thanks. I guess when the police asked you, you stuck to the story.”

“Oh.” Violet laid a hand on her heart. “Angelica Caulfield’s overdose. Yes, I see the police connection now. What a tragedy, what a waste of a life and talent.”

“The police questioned you?”

“They’d spoken to Joel. There were rumors he’d been having an affair with Angelica. Honestly, I can’t count the number of affairs I’ve had, according to rumor, with people I’ve never even met. It’s part of the business.”

“When they talked to you, you told them he’d been with you and the consultant.”

“Well, yes, I did tell them he’d been with us. Germaine, the consultant, was there when the police made the inquiry. Just routine, again. And he automatically confirmed Joel had been with us. So I did, too. It seemed easier.”

She paused a moment, let out a breath. “I haven’t thought of that in years, but I guess it would’ve been better if we hadn’t. Joel certainly would have had his flight records and so on, but the media would have been all over the trip to Mexico, and spoiled the surprise. And Lana was wonderfully surprised when he threw the most amazing party for her at their villa. My first real bash,” Violet said with a smile.

“Now that surprise isn’t a factor, would you mind clearing up the discrepancy for the record—for the files,” Eve said.

“Oh. All right, sure. If it’s really necessary.”

“Just cleaner,” Eve said casually. “We’ll take care of it later. Would you mind if we took a look at Simone?”

“Not at all.” At the gate, Violet swiped a card, entered a code. “She’s in six. My lucky number.”

“Have you been out on it—her—lately?” Eve asked.

“Not in a couple weeks. I’ve been in Baltimore, on a location shoot for a new series. I only got back to New York yesterday afternoon.”

“Does anyone else have access to the boat?”

“Phillip—Phillip Decater. We’ve been cohabbing for the last couple years. But he hasn’t taken her out. He was with me in Baltimore, and he’s a shaky sailor. His only flaw,” she said with a smile as she gestured to a pretty white boat, with shining brass and gleaming wood.

“You take friends out for rides, I imagine.”

“Yes, friends, family. When we can arrange it. What is this about?”

“It may be nothing. Is there a way for you to tell if the boat was taken out during your absence?”

“If you’re thinking somebody took her out for a joyride, I don’t see how. They’d have to get through the gate, then get through the security in the wheelhouse, then access the start code. If you went through all that successfully, why not keep sailing and sell the boat up in Nova Scotia?”

“Good point. But, if someone did, can you tell?”

“I can check the digi-log. It would have a record of the last use, the coordinates, the time elapsed.”


“A new toy,” Violet admitted with a grin. “Phillip got it for me for my birthday last month. Hardly something I need on a pleasure boat, but he knows I love Simone, and I enjoy gadgets.”

“Can we check your gadget?”

“Why not? Come on board. The galley’s always stocked,” Violet said as she stepped nimbly from the dock to the boat. “Can I offer you anything?”

“We’re fine, thanks.”

“Gosh, it’s beautiful.” Peabody brushed her fingers over the trim. “I don’t really know much about boats, but I know wood. This is really gorgeous.”

“Reclaimed teak. We do a lot of entertaining on her in the summer. She’ll sleep eight if we want to make a weekend of it with friends.”

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