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Delusion in Death (In Death 35)

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“HSO was practically running things, at least in the States back then.”

“And the power may have slipped away during the post-war rebuild if this had been public knowledge. I don’t know, Eve.”

“They’re giving me the data now, or some of it.”

“It appears Teasdale’s superior genuinely intends to run a clean house, or as clean as such houses can be.”

“Then he’s got a lot of dirt to sweep.” Not her job, she reminded herself. “I need to get back to it.”

“Why don’t we take a look at some of Callaway’s background first?”

“You’re not finished.”

“Enough to start.”

“I can’t let this get personal. And I can’t stop it from being personal.”

“If you could stop it, you wouldn’t be the woman or the cop you are.”

“I hope that’s true.”

“I know it is. Here, let’s have some of this.” He put his arms around her. “For both of us.”

She held on. He’d given her someone to hold on to. A gift she never wanted to take for granted. She thought she’d known what darkness was, and despair and terror. Now she knew there were people who lived and worked and slept and ate who’d known far, far worse.

She hoped they had someone to hold on to.

“Okay.” She drew back, laid her hands on his face briefly. “Callaway.”

“You know the basics. Born in a small town in Pennsylvania. His father did three years military service, as a medic.” They walked back to Eve’s office as he spoke. “He worked as a physician assistant after his enlistment was up. After he married, had the son, they moved six times in as many years.”


“Mother—professional mother status. They live in rural Arkansas now. They farm. Callaway was homeschooled until the age of fourteen. They moved twice more during his teenage years. He attended three different high schools. His record is slightly above average, no particular disciplinary trouble—on record.”

“Which means?”

“I found some reports. There was concern, initially, about antisocial behavior. Not a troublemaker, but not one to join in, not one to form friendships. He did what he was told, no more. He was encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities, and finally settled on tennis.”

“No team sports.”

“Again, he was slightly better than average, but it’s noted he had a fierce sense of competition, and had to be reminded, regularly, about good sportsmanship. No fights, no violence.”

“That fits, too.”

“He attended a local college for two years, then managed to get into NYU, by the skin of his teeth. He studied marketing and business. He showed aptitude there, for ideas and big pictures. He didn’t do as well at presentations or again, team projects. Not initially. He improved, and eventually joined Stevenson and Reede. His reviews give him solid ratings on work ethic, ideas, and less stellar marks on social skills, presentations, client relations. He’s moved up, based on his work, and it’s been a slower climb than it might have been as he has no real skill in articulating the product to clients or, basically, showing them a good time.

“Just as a contrast,” Roarke continued, “Joseph Cattery’s reviews praise his client skills, and his ability to team think. While Vann may have the corner office, Cattery recently received a hefty bonus and was in line for a promotion and pay hike. The bonus was due to his work on a project he shared with Callaway. Callaway’s bonus for the project was considerably smaller.”

“Smells like motive for Cattery. But not for a bar full of people.” She paced around her board. “It’s not some twisted religion with him. It’s not about Revelation and using kids. But there’s still some elements of Red Horse. The use of women to do the dirty work, the utter disregard for innocents, and the use of the substance to mass murder. He cherry-picks. And it’s still not enough.”

“One interesting point. It’s been his habit, since college, to travel to see his parents once a year.”

“That would be duty, not affection. Right?”

“I’d say so. However, this year he’s traveled to Arkansas four times. Neither of his parents have anything on their medical to indicate an illness or condition. No particular change in their financials.”

“He’s going back for something.” Eve shoved at her hair. “Something he needs, wants, something he found, something he’s looking for. I need more on the parents.”

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