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Brotherhood in Death (In Death 42)

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“All right. How’s Dennis? Is he all right?”

Eve let out a breath. Friendships didn’t come easily to her, but when they did, they came solid.

“There are two reasons I’m giving you the jump. You’ll wait for the green, and you asked about Mr. Mira. He’s okay. He got banged up a little, but he’s okay.”

“And now it’s my job to ask if you have any leads, any suspects.”

“No, because I’m still doing my job. Since you’re with Roarke, tell him I okayed it for him to fill you in on the details of the grandfather’s estate, the brownstone. That’s going to come out anyway, and I’d rather you played it at the opening. What I don’t want is even a whiff that Mr. Mira is a suspect, even a person of interest. He’s a witness and a victim himself. That’s it.”

“You should know me better.”

“I do, that’s why I contacted you before I notified next of kin. Peabody will give you the green as soon as we do. I’ve got to go.”

“So do I now.”

They both clicked off, and Eve scowled at the traffic.

“How are you going to handle Mr. Mira?”

Eve’s scowl deepened. “What do you mean, ‘handle’?”

“Look, first off, I know he didn’t have anything to do with this. I’m talking about the whole dotting the i’s thing. He was the last person to see the vic alive, and he and the vic had a strained relationship at least partially due to the house the vic’s body was hanged in. So I know how we’d handle it if we didn’t know and love Mr. Mira. But . . .”

“We’ll dot the fucking i’s, Peabody.”

“I don’t want to throw off the rhythm.”

“You won’t.”

By the time she pulled up in front of the shiny spear of the building, Eve was primed for trouble. A different doorman wore the polar bear suit and instantly jogged her way. Eve slammed out of the car, shot up her badge.

“We’re the police, and here on police business. That’s a police vehicle and it stays just where it is. You give me any lip over that, my partner here is going to arrest you for obstruction of justice and interfering in a police investigation, and arran

ge to have you hauled down to Central.”

He had a deep brown face against the snow white of the livery, and that face went carefully blank. “I didn’t say a word.”

“That’s smart. You need to clear us up to Edward and Mandy Mira’s apartment.”

Now he winced. “It just would be. Look, I have to follow procedure. You’re doing your job, right? I’ve got to do mine. I need to clear it with the Miras’ personal security.”

“Then do that.”

He walked toward the building, and had the grace—or the training—to hold the door open for them. “If you’ll give me a minute.”

He went to the same system used the night before, tapped in a code. “Hank, it’s Jonah on the door. There are a couple of cops here who—”

Eve nudged Jonah aside. “Hank, Lieutenant Dallas. Don’t screw around. You need to clear me and my partner up there, asap.”

“It could be my ass this time. She put you on the banned list.”

“She needs to talk to me. If she won’t let me up, she’ll end up hearing what I have to tell her on a media bulletin. Clear me up, tell her that.”

“Hell, it’s a crap job anyway. You’re clear. Jonah, they’re clear.”

“Copy that.”

“I know the way,” Eve told him, and walked to the elevator she’d used before.

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