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Echoes in Death (In Death 44)

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Eve saw his reaction, the desire and delight flicking fast into rage.

“You know her problem?” he demanded.

“I don’t.”

“Playing it safe, locking herself into society’s rules. Look at her. I mean, just look at her. She’s got it all. The face, the body. Beauty and style and sexuality that doesn’t quit. She’s got it all,” he repeated, trailing his finger over the face in the picture. “Except for one thing.”

“Let me guess. I bet I know. Vision.”

Obviously pleased, he lifted the finger, shot it at Eve. “Right in one. No vision. She’s stuck in this rut with a loser, just coasting along.”

“And you could offer her so much more.”

“I did offer her more.”

“And she chose the rut.” Eve shook her head, studied the photo. “I bet she gave you the kiss-off, but in a way that left that door open, just enough to keep you dangling.”

“Neville makes her some bullshit necklace out of beads for her birthday, and she makes like it’s the crown jewels. I gave her a ring, something real, told her what I felt, how it should be. She wouldn’t even take it. She tells me I’m confused. How I’m sweet, and she’s flattered, and more bullshit about how I’m going to find the perfect girl one day.”

“How old were you?”

“I was fifteen, and already more of a man than that Brit pussy she married. She humiliated me.”

“You don’t strike me as the kind of man who takes no for an answer so easy. You don’t take the pussy way.”

“I waited. Figured I needed some experience under my belt.” He smiled, patted himself. “Get me?”

“Oh, yeah. Some of that experience was with…” Eve pulled another photo out of the file.

Kyle studied it, shrugged. “Doesn’t ring a bell.”

“You were eighteen when she accused you of sexual assault, recanted after your father gave her a cool million. Does that ring the bell?”

“That one?” He leaned forward, jabbed a finger in the eye of the photo. “She wanted it, then got all whiny when I gave her what she wanted. She cost me three months in some fucking rehab center. I lost my whole goddamn summer break.”

“That’s tough. But you gave Astra another chance, didn’t you?”

“Right after my twenty-first birthday, I went to London on my own, booked the best suite in the best hotel. I asked her to come.”

“How’d you get her there? You had to be subtle about it, right?”

“Wanted to take her to dinner. The asshole’s off on location, and Neville’s still at university. I’m in town, let me take you to dinner. Drinks and dinner, fancy and elegant.”

“And she bought it.”

“She knew what I was saying. I was just giving her cover. I had champagne and flowers, her favorite foods, everything all set up. She wore a blue dress.” He closed her eyes, lips curved. And when he opened them, the rage came back. “And she pretended to be shocked when I kissed her. Shocked and angry. She slapped me. Slapped me and stormed away before I could…”

“She humiliated you again.”

“I should’ve shown her, that was my mistake. I should have shown her. I apologized. I shed tears.” He tapped his cheeks, grinning. “You have to think of the long view.”

Eve nodded. “You have to have vision.”

“Exactamundo. I could wait. Plenty of substitutes. She’d see how successful I was, how important I was. How I could have any woman I wanted, and she’d come to me.”

“But you couldn’t have any woman you wanted. You couldn’t have Rosa.”

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