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Echoes in Death (In Death 44)

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“Yes. I was to wear the white Delaney gown with the black-and-white Rachel Carroll evening shoes and the Joquin Foster evening bag—the black one with the pearl clasp.”

“That’s funny. The woman I’m talking about? She’s terrible with dates and times, but she never forgets an outfit. You sure remember yours, too.”

“It’s important to dress appropriately, to present the correct image—and not to repeat in the same venue.”

“Right. You and Lori Brinkman were in the ladies’ lounge together at the same time. You’d been crying.”

“I—I don’t remember that.” Daphne’s gaze cut away. “She may be mistaken.”

“You told her, when she asked, you had a headache.”

“Oh. I sometimes get headaches. It’s a weakness.”

“I get headaches. Anybody calls me weak, I’ll kick their ass. But that’s just me.”

“I…” It seemed to hit her, all at once. “They were attacked, like me? Rosa was hurt, like me?”

“Rosa was the first.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Her eyes, a striking green against her tawny skin, shimmered. “I liked her so much. She’s so smart and funny and kind. Is she—is she—”

“I saw her today. She’s holding her own. It’s been hard, you know it’s hard. But she’s going to counseling, and she’s talking to Lori. It’s helping them to talk to each other. They’d both like to see you, talk to you.”

“Oh. Oh, I don’t know. I don’t know if I can, if I should.” As she spoke, her voice hitching, she looked all around the room.

“He’s not here to tell you what to do, what not to do.”

Daphne’s hands stopped pulling at her pajama top, clutched together in her lap. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“We’ll leave that for now. What I’m saying is: Both these women understand, and they want to reach out. Because it could help you, and because it helps them. Peabody’s going to leave their contact information, and you can decide if and when.”

“Are they ashamed?” Daphne whispered.

“Not anymore, because they know they didn’t do anything to be ashamed of. They survived, Daphne, like you did. This man— Look at me, okay? Look here. Anyone who preys on someone they see as weaker, who hurts them, violates them, traps them— Are you hearing me?”

Eve waited until Daphne nodded.

“Anyone who deliberately makes someone else feel le

ss, feel helpless? That person is a coward. They’re the weak ones, the shameful ones. What’s not weak, not shameful, is taking help that’s offered. You said Rosa is smart and funny and kind. Lori struck me as the same. We can all use the smart, funny, and kind. So think about it.


“Already done.” Peabody hit print on her PPC, took the printout, set it on the table by the bed. “When you’re ready.”

“Maybe I’ll talk to Del, and to Dr. Mira, ask them.”

“That’s a good idea. Is there anything else before we go? Anything more you remember?”

“I’m sorry. Every time I try to think about it, to remember, I can’t breathe. His hands are on my throat, squeezing, when I try to remember.”

“It’s okay.”

“I—I have a question.”

“Go ahead.”

“How can it be all of us, all, were at the same place before? That I knew Rosa and met this other woman? How can that be?”

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