Wicked Forest (DeBeers 2)
Bassinger, who had just arrived in Palm Beach and
was calling from his hotel.
"I must apologize, Willow. I was away from the
office on a business trip, and my wife and I had
arranged to fly directly here for your wedding. Only
an hour ago, they faxed me your documents. and I've
just completed reviewing this prenuptial. The only
thing that seems out of the ordinary is Thatcher's
working himself into your property because of some
agreement you and he made about the upkeep. Is that
correct? He's paying for that?"
"Yes. Since we're making this our home." 'That's fine, But the way this is written, it's the
same as him levying a lien. Do you want me to get
into it and have the wording revised? There are a few
other minor things I would change."
I thought for a moment,
"No," I said. "I'm sorry I bothered you with it I
don't even want to think about it, especially tonight." "I can understand. These things are usually
done a lot more in advance. We can revisit it later, if
you like," he added softly,
"We're so looking forward to your wedding and
seeing you."
"Thank you. I'm looking forward to seeing
you." I told him. I was, because he had been one of
my father's closest confidants, and having him there
was having a little more of my father. too.
"Well, rest up," he said, and hung up. I thought about his comments for a few
moments, then drove them out of my head with a
vigorous shake and denial. I would let nothing do