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Into the Woods (DeBeers 4)

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If Mommy noticed even an iota of displeasure in my face afterward she quickly put it out of mind or buried it in her catalogue of "things left to do." Back at Jaya del Mar she behaved like a little general, whipping orders at our house servants, rearranging furniture, calling every purveyor and supplier of our party things to repeat her demands and confirm her orders.

I tried to withdraw from it all, but the day before the party Mommy called me to the sitting roam where she and the Carriage sisters held their strategy meetings. I was to be given my orders and

responsibilities, told how to behave at my party and what guests would expect of me."You have to greet each and every one of them personally as soon as they've entered." Mommy began, obviously parroting what she had been told,

"You should remain in one place during the early hours of your party so you can easily be located," Thelma added. "Extend your hand, and say something like. 'Welcome to my home. Please enjoy yourself.'"

"I have to ask them to enjoy themselves?"

"It's just a manner of speaking," Thelma replied dryly. No one takes it literally."

"Then why say it? Why not say things people will take literally?"

She looked at Mommy.

"It's etiquette. Grace. Just do it."

"Mingle after the party is under way. One of the most discourteous things a host can do is single out one or two of her guests and ignore all the others," Thelma continued.

"I was told some people here throw parties and don't even show up themselves." I said.

"Who told you such a thing?" Brenda asked, looking more curious than upset.

"Someone at school."

"Well, that has happened, but it's certainly not the rule of behavior for a young girl to follow." Thelma said.

"She's probably referring to Pokey Astor's yacht party last month." Brenda said.

Thelma gave her a very hard look, and she recoiled.

"Be sure you are also around to bid your guests good night and thank them for attending your party," Thelma added.

"It sounds like I should plant myself at the door and remain there all night."

"Of course not. You don't stand by the door. That's for your butler.'

"Thelma and Brenda are just trying to help make your party a success. Grace. You should be more grateful." Mommy chastised.

I smiled. "Thank you, Mrs. Carriage and Mrs. Carriage," I said, turning to Brenda. "I will write everything down and memorize it." I gave them a small curtsey and left.

Afterward Mommy told me I had been rude,

"I'm warning you, Grace," she said. "If you don't help me make this a successful event..."

"You'll stop buying me expensive clothes and won't take me to your personal beautician anymore?'

Her eyes filled with tears. and I immediately regretted my tone.

"I'm sorry," I said "I'm just..."

"You're just nervous. I know. I am, too. but I'm covering it up by being busy. Don't worry, honey, we'll show them," she said.

That was it, I thought, She felt obligated to prove herself here. and I was just a handy device for the moment. I sighed to myself and thought maybe I should consider her feelings more, She was the one who was under pressure, and she had as much as confessed she had taken this path for our benefit, making whatever personal sacrifices were necessary.

"Okay, Mommy," I said "We'll show

them." "That's my Sailor Girl," she cried, and hugged me.

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