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Into the Woods (DeBeers 4)

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A good hour or so later I heard both of them coming up the stairs, giggling and laughing so loudly it was impossible not to hear them. I peeked out my door and saw Kirby scoop her into his arms and carry her the remainder of the way.

"Just like Clark Gable in Gone with the Wind!" he cried, and she laughed again.

A short while later it was very quiet in the house. I lay in my bed, sulking and thinking until I finally dozed off, but not so long afterward awoke when I heard someone knocking on my door.

"Who is it?" I called, annoyed.

"It's me," Kirby said. "May I speak to you for just a minute?"


"Please." he pleaded. "Just a minute."

There hadn't been all that many times he and I were alone, and despite his good looks I was grateful far that. but I didn't see how I could avoid it forever, especially now.

"What do you want?" I asked,

He opened the door slowly and peeked in, "Hey, how are you doing-?"

"Just peachy keen," I said.

He nodded. He was in his shirt and pants. barefoot. His shirt was opened at the collar, and his hair was tousled. Usually his hair was perfect. He was an immaculate dresser, never appearing unkempt, even if it was just to be an appearance in front of me,

"I know you're upset." he said.

"Oh, do you?"

"Yes. Your mother has brought a new man into your life and so soon."

"You're not in my life. You're in hers." I told him.

"Now don't be like that. Grace. Once your mother and I are married you'll be just as much a part of my life as your mother will be.'

I wanted to say, hope not." but something made me hesitant. Perhaps it was better not to banter with him. I thought, I turned my face away, hoping he would take that as a signal and leave, but he didn't. He came farther into the room and sat at the foot of my bed.

That took me by surprise and even made my heart pound.

"I wish you would leave," I said. "I'm tired. and I want to get some sleep."

"In a minute. I just want to assure you that I have your and your mother's best interests at heart. I know she has suffered some terrible disappointments in her life, and she feels very alone, very lost now I want to end that and do my best to bring back happiness. She's a wonderful person and deserves it, and so do you."

"You make us sound like refugees," I said.

He laughed and then looked serious again. "We're all refugees from some emotional crisis or another in our lives. Grace. I'm no exception, and in time I hope you and I can grow closer and develop enough trust to tell each other about things we really feel and really think. I know from what your mother has told me that you're going through a tough time. You're not sure what you want to do with yourself, and I want to do all I can to help you decide.. You're too talented, too intelligent, and far too beautiful to waste away, even in a place as beautiful and luxurious as Jaya del Mar." He had such a steely-ey

ed, sincere look in his eyes I had to look at him without doubt and sarcasm.

He stood up. "That's all I wanted to say, Grace. Basically what I'm asking you to do is give me a chance. Don't base your opinion on anything but what I do and say. Okay?"

I nodded.

"Thanks." he said. smiling. He hesitated a moment. and I thought in that moment he was deciding whether or not to come

to me to kiss me or something. He decided against it and just nodded and retreated, "I hope the day will come when you will call me Daddy, too. Sweet dreams," he said, and closed the door softly.

Call him Daddy? I felt as if some creature had crawled into my heart and was tearing it away.

Kirby Scott was in our lives. The question was for how long and how deeply.

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