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Into the Woods (DeBeers 4)

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embarrassing, sitting there in the booth by myself. I

could see them all looking at me and whispering. "All this happens at once." she moaned. Her

shoulders slumped, and I felt so bad for her. "I'm sorry, Mommy," I said.

"There's nothing for you to feel sorry about.

Grace. Just get well. We're going to see the

neurologist tomorrow afternoon. I was hoping Kirby

would be home and be with us."

She looked at me. "'Try to get some sleep.

Grace." she said. She touched my cheek, leaned over,

and kissed me on the forehead. "I'm going to end up

taking two of those pills myself," she muttered

disgustedly, and left me.

I did everything I could to fall asleep again. I

even tried counting sheep, but they soon were sheep

with faces of people I had known, and all that did was

keep me awake. I tossed and turned and finally, just

before morning, dozed off. Mommy said later that she

had stopped by to see if I was ready for breakfast but

had left me alone because I was sleeping so well.

Finally she woke me.

"We've at to get some food into you and get

you dressed to go to the doctor. Grace. Come on." she

said. "Get up."

I wiped my eyes with the base of my palms and

looked at her in confusion. "The doctor?"

"Oh. Grace. don't tell me you don't remember

anything that happened yesterday. I had Dr. Cook

here, We've made arrangements for you to see a

neurologist today. Get up and get dressed normally.

Do you want me to send Lourdes up here to help

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