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Into the Woods (DeBeers 4)

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"And this is her daughter Angelina." Winston said.

Angelina nodded at us. I thought she wasn't all that much older than I was, She lowered her dark eyes shyly. She had her mother's hair but was much slimmer, with a narrow, almost bony face. Her hands were thin, too, the fingers spidery as she kneaded dough I imagined would be turned into fresh bread.

"What's today's picnic lunch?" Winston asked, smiling at me. Mommy grinned from ear to ear.

"Calamari frittata and mushrooms stuffed with crab meat," Louisa began, "mozzarella and tomato salad, lobster bisque, poached salmon, fettuccine with fresh tomatoes and shrimp Alfredo. We are preparing the garlic bread." she said, nodding at her daughter.

"And dessert? We're all interested in dessert," he said, smiling at me.

"We have chocolate truffle tarts and creme brulee and some Italian cookies." she said as if they had it every day.

"Creme brulee! I love creme brulee!" Mommy exclaimed.

Winston laughed, "As you can see. I stole Louisa from a restaurant in Capri one summer. and I have never returned her, although she threatens every now and then to go back." he said, raising his eyebrows and glaring at her with feigned anger.

"Some-a-day I will." Louisa said, meeting his challenge. Winston laughed, She glanced at her daughter, who just worked as we talked.

"I'll throw myself overboard when she leaves," Winston threatened. and Louisa gave him another reprimanding look that had us all laughing.

We went to the pilot house and watched Captain Gene get Winston's yacht under way. Then Mommy and I went down to the bridge and sat on some lounges while Winston and his captain discussed the itinerary.

The warm breeze blew through our hair. We could feel the spray of the sea as the yacht sliced through the waves. How bright and beautiful it all looked from this perspective. Even the clouds were whiter. I couldn't help feeling like someone special.

"Do you believe all this. Grace? Can you imagine what it must be like living like this all the time, doing whatever you want whenever you want to do it?"

"No" I said. "Doesn't he still have to work?"

"He has his affairs handled by a business manager. He oversees everything, but he's not involved in the day-to-day nitty-gritty anymore. He took a giant step back from all that after his wife's death."

"How did she die?"

"She had what they call an aneurism. cerebral. Fortunately, she didn't linger in a coma."

"Why didn't they ever have any children?" I asked.

"They tried, She had two miscarriages, and they gave up. They talked about adopting but never got around to doing it and finally decided they were both too old to be good parents. That's what he says. He had a nephew he was fond of and helped him financially. He says he can't help wond

ering if he bears any responsibility for his nephew's selfdestructive ways, ways that eventually led to his death. He got heavily into drugs and died a horrible death in some flophouse in New Orleans. It broke his parents' hearts, and in their search for someone or something to blame they blamed Winston for being too generous. They became estranged. His brother died last year, and his sister-in-law kept it from him until it was too late for him to attend the funeral.-

"I guess no matter how rich you are you can't escape from family tragedy," I said.

"Not if you're not responsible and up to being rich. Some people can't handle success, just as some can't handle failure. That's what Winston says."

"You and he did talk about a lot the other night, in just one night" I remarked.

She smiled like someone who knew a lot more than she was

"Everyone wearing sun screen?" Winston asked as he approached.

"Oh, no!" Mommy said in a panic.

"Don't worry." He handed lotion to us. "Can't let my two beauties spoil their skin." he said. "Come along, Grace," he told me after I had put some on my face. "Let Captain Gene show you how this big toy works."

He reached for my hand and led me back to the pilot house. where Captain Gene gave me a beginner's course in yachting, while below Mommy and Winston sat talking or standing and looking out at the sea. Mommy looking more radiant than ever, as if she already owned it all.

When we reached the bay Winston loved. Captain Gene set anchor and we began our feast, everything brought out slowly to the dining area. Winston offered me some wine, and I looked at Mommy to see what I should do.

"It's okay, honey. Food like this almost requires good wine."

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