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Hidden Leaves (DeBeers 5)

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"What?" I stood up. "Who is it?"

"It's Grace Montgomtry."

My heart did flip-flops. I could feel my legs go numb, "What happened. Suzanne?" I asked as I followed her out.

"Someone put this on her pillow." she said and pulled the teddy bear's arm out of her uniform pocket. I stopped dead in the hallway and took it from her, turning it in my fingers. Willow, it was as if this toy arm with its stuffing leaking out was a real arm, bleeding in my hand.

"It can't be," I said, shaking my head like one of my own patients going into self-denial. "We looked everywhere."

Suzanne nodded.

The impact of what such a thing might have done to Grace hit me and I charged ahead. I found her sitting as still and as firmly as a statue on her bed, staring at the wall. She had a strange, mad smile on her face, Willow. For a moment she looked so different, it was as if a stranger had wandered into her room.

"I heard her screaming and came quickly," Suzanne said, standing beside me. "I saw the ripped teddy bear arm on the pillow and scooped it off as quickly as I could. That stopped her screaming, but she was as rigid as she is right now. Doctor. It's almost as if she's gone into rigor mortis," she added. Her arms are locked. I couldn't move her."

I shoved the teddy bear arm into my pocket and approached her. She didn't look at me. Her eyes were so glassy. My biggest fear was she had gone catatonic.

"Grace," I said and reached for her right hand. It was pressed over her left and both were on her stomach. To lift that hand would take some major effort, prying as if with a crowbar. I have seen patients who are in such a catatonic, stiff state. Willow, that forcing their appendages in any direction resulted in actually breaking the bone.

I quickly ordered a sedative and Suzanne went out to get it.

"Grace," I began. "don't do this to yourself. Don't let this happen. We can be strong together. Don't retreat from me. Grace. Stay with me," I pleaded, more like a husband or lover than a doctor. "I need you, Grace. Please."

There was an ever so slight flicker in her eyes that gave me hope. If I could keep this incident to a single reaction of shack. I could keep her from falling into a chronic condition. The nurse returned with the syringe, and I gave Grace the shot. Shortly afterward her body became more pliable, and I was able to get her to lie back.

"Talk to the attendants." I told the nurse. "See if you can learn how this terrible thing happened. Who was in the hallways? Who had access to her room? What did you see?"

"I didn't see anything. Doctor," Suzanne replied. "because I just came an duty a short time ago. Grace must have just pulled the blanket down to prepare for bed when she saw... saw it," she told me.

"Okay. I want to be sure there isn't anything else in the room."

I began to search. Nurse Cohen returned with two of our male attendants who joined me, and we examined every inch of the place before determining there was nothing else of any shack value present.

Meanwhile, the nurse checked Grace's pulse and blood pressure. She was resting comfortably. but I decided I would not leave her bedside. I went out and told Miles I was going to remain at the clinic all night. I sent him back to the house for a change of clothing far me, and then I returned to Grace's room and slept in the chair beside her bed, waking every once in a while to observe her. She groaned and moaned a bit, her lips twitching and her eyelids showing rapid eyeball movement. I could just imagine the horrors she was reliving in her deep sleep. and I wished I could somehow crawl into her mind and drive them away.

Just before morning, she woke. I was still sleeping. but I heard her call my name and I opened my eyes. She was on her side, staring at me. I leaped up and knelt beside her bed, reaching for her hands.

"Grace, how are you?"

"I feel so tired, so tired inside." she said.

"I imagine you would. You've been through a terribly traumatic time

She closed her eyes and seemed to drift off again. I waited. The minutes went by, and then she opened her eyes and looked at me in a strangely cold way.

"I have to leave you, Claude. I have to go away," she said.

I shook my head. "More than ever, you have to stay here now, Grace. I wouldn't let you out. Your mother can bring an army to the door and I'll fight them back."

"I'll destroy you if you don't let are go," she said, then closed her eyes and drifted off again.

This time I let her sleep. I went to my office, got my change of clothing, and went to shower and shave and freshen myself as best I could. I was surprised by Miles's arrival, He came directly to my office to tell me Alberta was very angry.

"I never saw her in such a rage." he said. "After she saw what I was doing and heard you were staying at the clinic. I think she broke something."

"I'll take care of it. Miles. Thank you."

"I thought I'd better let you know." he said and left. There was no doubt in my mind that he would stand beside me on a trip to hell. I was fortunate to have such a dedicated friend and still am. I know he'll always be dedicated to you as well. Willow.

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