Cat (Wildflowers 4)
meat knife, which again, might not be there, and on
the outside is the fish knife Outside the knives are the
soup spoon and, if they have it, the fruit spoon.
Dessert forks and spoons should be brought in on the dessert plate, but they might have it out already. I don't know how formal they are, of course. You know what the butter plate is and how it's there for your bread. Remember not to put your elbows on the table or slurp your soup or talk with food in your mouth.
Any questions?'
"'No, Mother,' I said. I was dying inside,
knowing that all we actually were going to do was
open a few boxes of pizza and probably slap the
pieces on paper plates, and open bottles of soda. Now
I was even more terrified of her learning the truth. She
might accuse me of making a big fool out of her. "My teeth were practically chattering when it
was time for her to take me over to Kelly's house. I
was afraid she might go in with me, but my mother,
fortunately, is shy herself, and just let me get out of
the car.
"'Call me when it's time to come home and remember, don't overstay your welcome, Cathy. Oh,
wipe your mouth after every bite and always say
please and thank you when you're passed anything at
the table. Don't speak unless you're asked a question,'
she warned.
"'Okay,' I muttered with my head down and
hurried to the front door, praying no one else would arrive before my mother pu
lled away. No one did because they were already in the house. I didn't know Kelly's parents weren't home. Her father had taken her
mother out to dinner.
"In fact, when Kelly opened the door for me,
the music was so loud, I was afraid it might spill out
and reach my mother's car even as she drove away. "I was a little shocked. It was as if Kelly had
become a different person. She was wearing a blouse
tied at her waist instead of buttoned so some
uncovered waist showed, and a pair of jeans with no