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Celeste (Gemini 1)

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Noble rushed out, heading for his precious anthill. I hovered about the front windows, Was Daddy in there. too? I wondered. Would Mommy tell Mr. Kotes if he were? How much did he know about the spirits? Did he believe in them? Could he see any or hear any?

"Come here. Celeste," Noble called, "Look at this. It's terrific. You can see their eves better. Come on."

I plodded up to him and looked through his magnifying glass.

"We probably look like monsters to them through this glass." I remarked.

"Really?" The idea intrigued him. He turned it on me and pretended to be frightened. Then he turned and looked out at the meadow through the magnifying glass,

"What are you doing?" I asked him. You can't see anything better that way.''

"I wondered if I could see spirits with it," he said.

"Don't you listen to what Mommy and I have told you? You can't see them until they want you to see them or until you do what you have to do to focus on them. A magnifying glass won't help. Don't be stupid."

"You're stupid," he countered. Then he looked at the magnifying glass and looked at the house.

"He better not sit in Daddy's chair," he said an oily.

I looked at the house. too. Funny how such a possibility occurred to Noble, but not to me. I thought. Both of us stood there, side by side. and I thought Mommy was right. I do feel the way Noble feels when he feels something very strongly. I have the same rage burning in me. I wasn't sure why, but it was there, at least for the moment.

He threw down the magnifying glass. Then he ran toward his favorite tree.

"You better not get dirty," I called to him. "Mommy's calling us to go in for dinner any minute."

He pulled himself up on a branch and sat in his tree, glaring at the house. I returned to the porch and hovered about the window. I could hear their muffled voices within, and then I heard a sound I hadn't heard for a very long time.

It was the sound of Mommy's laughter. It was so strange to my ears. I thought it might be someone else for a moment. Mr. Kotes laughed, too. Mommy put on some music, and they laughed again. When I looked through the opening in the curtain. I could see that he had his arm around her waist, and he was showing her some dance step. Mommy threw her hands up in despair after a few tries, but he seized her arm and brought her back to him to try again.

I sat sulking in a chair gazing out at the forest, searching the shadows for signs of any spirits, but there was nothing but the darkness and the frees.

They're upset, I thought. They're all upset. maybe Daddy the most.

Finally Mommy called us to dinner, and I had to call to Noble. He climbed down and we entered the house.

"Where's your magnifying glass?" Mommy asked Noble immediately.

"Outside," he said.

"Well, you shouldn't leave things outside. Noble. You should take better care of things you are ziven," she chastised. "Go out and get it," she told him.

He turned and ran out.

"I'm sorry. Taylor," Mommy said.

"He's just being a boy," Mr. Kotes said. "I was probably worst at his age."

"I bet," Mommy said, and they laughed.

What made them so friendly all of a sudden? I wondered. Teaching her dancing? Bringing her flowers?

Mommy called me into the kitchen to help bring out the sliced bread and butter, a jug of cold water, and some cranberry sauce. She had roasted a chicken and made her famous small potatoes in the gravy, something Daddy just loved. I saw she had prepared an apple pie. too. She had made this a very special dinner. Everything looked and smelled as wonderful as ever. My stomach churned in anticipation.

We had just sat. Mr. Kotes indeed in Daddy's chair. when Noble returned. He was empty handed.

"Where's the magnifying glass?" Mommy asked immediately.

"Its not there," Noble said.

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