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Celeste (Gemini 1)

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"Im hungry. Noble," I whined. "I want to eat. Everything is hot and ready. and Mommy has your favorite pie."

He shrugged and looked away.

"Mommy's going to be madder at you than me," I warned. He didn't respond. so I ran up to him and shook him. He pulled out of my grip.

"Leave me alone or I'll kick you. Celeste."

"Where's the magnifying glass, Noble? Where is it?" I shouted at him.

"I don't know."

"If you didn't throw it away and you didn't hide it, then where would it be?" I demanded, stepping closer to him. He didn't turn away.

"Daddy probably took it," he offered after a long moment, his eyes fixed on mine.

I felt my throat close and a wave of heat rise up my spine. When it reached my neck, it turned into a chill.


"He's mad, very angry," Noble continued. "Mr. Kotes is sitting in his chair.''

I started to speak and then stopped and looked back at the house. I shook my head.

"Ask him," Noble challenged, "You can see him, ask him. You'll see I'm right."

"I don't see Daddy," I whispered and kept shaking my head. I didn't know why I was

whispering. What he had said made me lower my voice. "I can't demand him to appear. I told you so many times."

Suddenly the front door was pulled open and Mommy stepped out on the porch.

"Celeste. Noble, where are you two?"

"Go on," Noble urged, "Tell her what I said. She'll believe you."

"No." I said. "You don't lie about that. You don't lie about spiritual things." I backed away from him, and then I ran to the house.

Mommy stood there with her hands on her hips, glaring down at me.

"Well?" she asked.

"If s not there where he left it," I told her. "What are you saying. Celeste?"

"He threw it down by the anthill. I saw him do that, but it's not there, Mommy."

"Then where is it?"

"I don't know. Mommy." I said and started to cry.

"Well, until you do or until he does, you can 20 without any dinner," she said. "Just ao up to your room and think about it," she added as Noble drew closer. "Go on," she ordered, pointing toward the stairway.

Noble walked in quickly and rushed toward the stairs. I followed with my head down.

"I'm disappointed in you. Celeste," she said. I spun around.

"Why me? He did something with it, not me."

"You know why," she said, glaring at me. "Go on upstairs," she commanded and then marched down the hallway to have dinner with Mr. Kotes,

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