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Dirty Talk (Get Dirty 1)

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“Nah,” I admit. “The cubicle’s a little . . . lacking in soundproofing. But later, maybe I can find some privacy to show you something.”

“Mmm . . . you know you always knock my socks off,” Derrick replies. “Listen babe, I’m thinking, if you want to stay the weekend, bring some more stuff over. You know, just in case you want to stay longer or something.”

I smile. “Careful there, love. You’re going to regret it when I bring in a hundred pairs of shoes and take over your closet.”

“You don’t have a hundred pairs of shoes.”

I laugh, mockingly evil. “Bwahaha, after this app hits number one and I get gamer coding bankroll, I might go shoe shopping!”

Derrick laughs. “Add in a couple more pairs of fuck-me pumps, and I’m happy. You can wear them while I make you scream my name in ecstasy.”

“You mean like this?” I ask, lowering my voice to my breathiest whisper. “Oh, Derrick . . . yes baby, please . . . god I need you to fuck me.”

The answering moan on the other end of the line is all I need, and I smile. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Kat.” There’s a holler on the other end of the line, and Derrick growls. “I’ll be there in a minute!”

He comes back on, slightly abashed. “Okay babe, if I don’t go now, Susannah’s going to be doing a special show tonight on castration with a pair of office scissors.”

“Can’t lose those, I need them too much,” I laugh. “Go do your meeting. I love you.”

“I love you too. Bye. And congrats.”

The line goes dead, and I lean back, smiling to myself. A great presentation, a huge opportunity, and I think a backdoor invitation to move in if I want with the man of my dreams?

How’d this happen? For so long, I thought this sort of life wasn’t possible. That I’d never have a chance to have it all, a good man, a good job, and best of all, some actual inner peace. I thought I’d always be hustling, worried about what others would say about me, that I’d never be able to get on top . . . and suddenly I feel like I am. And the view up here is fucking awesome.

The old me would be looking for the other shoe to drop any time now, but that was the old me. The new me, she’s going to celebrate with her co-workers. And tomorrow, I’m going lingerie shopping before going over to Derrick’s, so we can do our own kind of celebrating.

“Like the man said, it don’t get much better than this.”

Chapter 21


“So anyway, we’re going to spend the last hour doing an interview with a woman who’s making a series of videos . . ..”

I let Susannah’s words just descend into a sort of buzz in the background. Hell, I can’t even pretend to focus on what she’s saying in the pre-show meeting because my head is in the clouds with thoughts of Kat and how well she’s doing.

Hey babe, I read, looking down at my phone, just leaving work now. Wish you were here, but I’ll try and catch your show later. Love you.

I smile, earning a growl from Susannah. “For fuck’s sake Derrick, you said you were done with that.”

“I’m listening. You know I’m always impromptu,” I lamely defend myself. “I got it. Guest coming in, makes videos, blah blah.”

“That blah blah is what’s going to make up the last hour of the show,” she shoots back. “Or do you plan on pissing this one off like you did the last?”

“Hey, I can’t help we didn’t agree,” I reply. Before I can continue, my phone buzzes again. I don’t even have a chance to look down before Susannah erupts.

“Dammit Derrick, it won’t hurt you to turn that thing off for a while! You didn’t even hear what I said about her, did you?

I feel a bit bad, she’s right in that I have no idea what the hell this guest is about, but hoping to salve her temper tantrum, I set my phone aside and focus my full attention on her. “Let’s start over. What’s this guest’s deal?”

Susannah shakes her head, tossing her clipboard aside. Rubbing at her temples, she looks up, taking a big breath before answering. “You’ve been completely off your game for over a month now. After I found out why, I’ve cut you some slack. But things haven’t gotten better, if anything, they’ve gotten worse. You’re distracted during the shows, barely talking to me before or after, and just generally being an asshole. We’ve got a good thing here I think, and you’re ruining it for some chick of the week. You need to ditch the needy bitch.”

I slam my hand down on the table, pissed off. “She’s not a chick of the week and don’t you dare call her a bitch. What the fuck, Susannah? You know I don’t fuck around like that. Kat and I have something serious going on here. I’m sorry if I’ve been distracted during the show, but we’re doing fine other than you trying to dictate my every word and action. You’re not my boss, Susannah. We have a good thing going with the show, but let’s keep it there. Stay out of my personal life.”

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