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Scattered Leaves (Early Spring 2)

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bedroom? On closer inspection. I could see that

although it was well put together, it still had thin

layers of dust over the furnishings. It was simply an

unused room, but the nicest room in the house I had

seen so far. I couldn't imagine why Great-aunt

Frances wasn't using it.

Confused. I left it and tried the last door, but it

was locked. I thought about it for a moment and then

returned to the stairway. I could hear the television. so

I descended and walked into the living room. where I

found Great-aunt Frances sprawled on the sofa

looking dreamily at the set and following the drama,

Miss Puss was sprawled on the floor and looked up at

me, then lowered her head to her paws. Great-aunt

Frances didn't even notice I had entered. It was almost

as if she had forgotten my arrival, just the way a child

might. She was totally absorbed in her show and

looked like she would cry if I interrupted. I decided to

wait for the commercial.

Before it came. I heard the front door forcefully

opened. Felix stepped in and then stepped to the side

to permit a tall. thin. African American woman, with

short hair cropped more like a man's hair, to enter as

well. Her facial features were childlike, diminutive,

with a pair of blazing ebony eyes and firm, taught

lips. She wore a dark blue blouse, opened nearly to

her belly button. She didn't seem to care that her

breasts were almost entirely visible. Her jeans were so

tight that I wondered how she could put them on and

take them off. I saw she wore no socks with her

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