Heartsong (Logan 2)
"What does that mean, Cary?" I asked. "His heart stopped but they got it started again,"
he said, "and he's doing okay for now."
"Oh, praise God," Aunt Sara cried. "Praise
God." She held on to May and rocked with her on the
I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and said
my own prayer of thanks. When I fled the CCU, I
believed I had caused him to have the heart failure for
sure. It was the great effort he had made to speak to
Cary regained his calm demeanor and strength.
"How about a cup of hot tea, Ma? I can get it from the
machine downstairs," he said.
"Yes, thank you, Cary."
"I'll get May a soda. Melody, you want some
"I'll come with you," I said and got up. We
walked to the elevator. When the door opened, he
took my hand and we stepped in and he pressed the
"I really thought he was a goner," Cary
muttered. "I watched them struggling, but that doctor
hung in there and suddenly, the monitor began
clicking away again. Everyone cheered. They waited
and his pulse built up. It's a miracle," he added. "Don't
you think?"
"Yes, Cary."
He nodded, so filled with joy he was beside
himself. Then, he remembered I had been in there. As
the door of the elevator opened, he turned to me. "What did he want?"