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Broken Compass

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Life could be worse. Hell, I’ve been there, got the T-shirt, came out not entirely sane.

Now this… this is the good stuff. If it won’t send me into another panic attack, then hell yeah. Let’s do it.

West curses as he turns Sydney around and tugs off her blouse. He pulls her on his lap and kisses her, his hands in her long curls, her hands on his face.

Then Kash kicks off his shoes and socks, shoves his pants down, and settles behind Sydney, fisting his cock.

Oh fuck. They look so damn hot like that. West’s dark hair mingles with Syd’s copper curls as they kiss. He slides one hand down to her waist, his skin golden against her pale form.

Then Kash presses himself to her back, kissing her neck, cupping her tits, his golden head bent beside hers, his tattoos dancing as he caresses her.

Holy shit, what a picture. From where I’m sitting, I can’t see all the action, so I get up and go around the back of the sofa, prop my hip against it and watch, not willing to miss a thing.

They kiss and kiss, Kash grinding against her back, their movements growing faster, desperate.

“What next?” Kash breathes, looking at me, his sweat-soaked skin silvery, his hair plastered to his forehead. “Nate…” He grimaces and reaches down to give his cock a squeeze. “Dammit, I need to come.”

My own cock gives an answering throb.

West frees one hand to fish around by the couch, coming up with condoms. “Here. All set.”

“Did you get into my stash?” I demand, and he quirks a rueful grin.

“We share everything, don’t we?” he replies.

Sydney laughs. It’s a beautiful, happy sound, and it makes her tits jiggle.

“Okay, Syd…” I lick my lips. “I want you to go down on West. Take that big cock in your mouth. You want that?”

Her breath catches, her eyes darken. She nods, biting her lip.

Jesus Christ. “And Kash will fuck you.”

West tosses the condoms to Kash without a word, and he suits up as West shoves his briefs down and pulls out his cock. Jeez, that’s big. I didn’t get a good look at it last night. Guy’s packing some serious heat down there. He’s almost as big as me…

Nah. Let’s not exaggerate.

“You’re too far away,” Syd whispers.

I tear my gaze away from West’s dick to find her gazing at me, a wistfulness in her eyes that wasn’t there before.

Damn, she’s right. I guess I unconsciously put some space between us.

With an effort, I close the gap, take her chin in my hand and kiss her long and deep. “I’m here,” I tell her. “Right here.”

She smiles at me, and when West turns her face his way and kisses her again, she moans, giving herself to him, and to Kash who’s stroking her pretty ass, her rosy pussy.

Fuck… Fumbling with my briefs, I free my dick and jack off in slow, lazy strokes, stretching out the anticipation, building up the pressure. I should be there, between them, touching her, filling her up. Watching isn’t enough, it won’t ever be enough, and…

Curls trailing on the cushions, she bends over, scoots back and puts her mouth on West’s dick.

My mind goes blank. Holy shit…. It’s so big it stretches her mouth wide. Her eyes close as she sucks on his hard flesh and I feel a tug on mine.

Kash pushes two fingers inside her pussy, opening her up, and I stare, transfixed, as she rocks back and moans around West’s cock.

My dick is so hard it hurts. I curl my fingers around the base to stop myself from coming as Kash draws his fingers out and tastes them. Jesus, that guy.

Then he shoves his dick into Syd, eyes closing as he sinks into her, his hands gripping her hips.

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