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Broken Compass

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“You haven’t had one in a while.”

I say nothing. I wince.

“Dammit, Nate. You’ve been having them but hid it from me. Why?”

See, I don’t even have to try to fuck up. I’m a natural. Piece of cake.

Someone opens the bathroom door.

“Occupied,” West says flatly, and shuts the door again. Quietly.

He knows loud voices hurt my brain when I’m like this. Back when I first had one of these bitches, he Googled everything he could about them.

My eyes sting. “Thanks, West.”

“What for?”

“Talking to me again. I know I fucked up.”

“It wasn’t that bad. Look…” He puts a hand on my shoulder. “It wasn’t just you. I fucked up just the same.”

The pain in my skull spikes. I swallow hard. “Not so sure about that. And sorry about puking on your shoes. I know you like cleanness, and this is… well, it’s the opposite of cleanness. I’m the opposite of all you need. How did you know I’d be here?”

I should stop talking. My words echo inside my head, making the pain worse. But I can’t stop.

And then West says, “That’s bullshit. You’re exactly what I need.”

It makes me wanna smile, despite everything.

“As for your question,” he goes on, “Sydney dragged me here.” A chuckle. “Said I was miserable without you.”

Yeah… “Kash dragged me here.” I lift my gaze cautiously. We exchange a suspicious look. “You don’t think…”


“They set us up. It’s too much of a coincidence.”

“It’s possible.” His face is serious, but not angry, as much as I can make out through the double vision.

Phew. “And where’s Sydney?”

“Said she’d look for Kash.”

Fuck. “Right.”

“Do you really think there’s something going on between them?”

I shrug. Cover my eyes again. “Don’t you?”

A huff.

Time passes in blessed silence, and I’m strangely happy—though I’d be happier if I was in my bed with all the lights off and pills strong enough to knock me out until tomorrow. The red-hot poker inside my head has turned into a drill trying to get to the back of my eyes. My teeth are grinding together.

God, I’d actually fucking kill for some painkillers.

“Hang in there, man,” West mutters. “I texted Sydney. We’re taking you home.”

Home. There’s something… something I need to ask him, even as the darkness draws me down, as the pain flares so bad I think my head will explode.

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