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Broken Compass

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That’s when I catch his gaze on my exposed stomach, and it sends a wave of warmth through me.

“I’m glad you’re better this morning,” I mutter, dragging my T-shirt back down.

“Yeah… yeah, I am.” A flush spreads over his cheekbones, and my eyes are drawn to his mouth.

Whoa. Definitely something weird going on, on either side.

I mean, I like Nate. I care for him. He’s a friend. But that’s it, right? Finding him attractive doesn’t mean anything.

And dammit, I’ve never had to question my sexuality before this. Never had the time for it. It’s a complication I don’t need. God knows my life is a fucking mess already.

“You’ll find another job,” I tell him later, at the kitchen counter, as he pours himself a mug of coffee and tells me about the police raid on the bar where he used to work. “Don’t sweat it.”

“I’m just… worried.” He says it with obvious reluctance. Nate doesn’t like to appear weak, I know. “That’s all. I wish I had money at the side, for a case like this.”

“I’ll cover the rent,” I tell him, finishing my coffee. “It’ll be okay.”

“I hate it when you do that,” he mutters, and my head snaps up.


“I don’t mean…” He winces. “I don’t hate you. And I appreciate all you’ve done, man. Seriously. But I can’t keep leeching off you. S’not fair.”

“Life ain’t fair.” I look into the depths of my mug. “I still have some money saved away.”

“I was saving money to leave,” he says. “But I had to give it to Syd. She was waiting for her mom. And her mom’s not coming back, but the point is… I wanted her to stay.”

“I know, okay? I know, man.” I totally get it.

And I see how selfless Nate is, and how much he cares for her, even if he doesn’t show it most of the time. To deprive himself of a chance to leave the hell he was living in just so he’d help her out is something I’m sure I wouldn’t have had the strength to do.


“Have you talked to West recently?” I see his broad back stiffen at the question.

“Why is everyone asking me this?” He groans and slams his mug down, sloshing coffee over the rim. “Back off, will ya?”

“Syd told me West is in trouble. I thought you might know more about it.”

I’ve been thinking about him, even more since the night we left. West intrigues me. Almost as much as Nate. Although after this latest complication—this… finding-Nate-attractive biz—I’m not sure about anything anymore.

Nate is wiping the coffee spill, one hand rubbing his temple. His features are pinched.

“That migraine still bothering you?”

“No.” Said through slightly gritted teeth. “Not much.”

Ah-huh. “Do you know what triggers them? Apart from lack of food.”


That makes sense. “And knowing West is in trouble stresses you.”

It’s not a question but he whips around and glowers at me. “Of course it fucking stresses me. He’s my best friend!”

I lift my hands. “I know, dude. You just don’t act much like it lately.”

“Yeah. I know.” He braces his hands on the edge of the counter, hangs his head. “Please, Kash. Check on West for me.”

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